Be Happy or Be Sad, the Choice is Yours

We can choose to be happy or chose to be miserable. Both take the same amount of work. So choose to be happy

. originally posted 9/4/09

I know people are reading this and saying “No way!” and to that, I say “Yes way!” Being happy takes an effort. You have to work at it and make an effort to be happy. Really, happiness does not come and find you, you have to go out and find happiness. There are times that are very happy and filled with joy. What amazes me that even in the face of all those happy times, some people put a tremendous amount of energy into being miserable.
The same could be said for misery. You have to work to be miserable. It doesn’t come naturally to us. Sure bad things happen – they happen all the time, unfortunately. And when those bad things happen, you can choose to wallow in the misery, or you can fight through it – it takes effort, sure, but fight through it you can and find some happiness.

So if it takes time, effort and energy to be happy, and it takes time, effort and energy to be miserable, why not work for the happiness?