What a Way to Start Your Day!

If you awake every morning with the thought that something wonderful will happen in your life today, you’ll often find that you’re right.—Nancy Sathre-Vogel

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this, and it’s something I do every morning.  When I wake up, I don’t jump right out of bed for a variety of reasons.  The first one being morning comes way to early lol, but I also use that time to prepare myself for the day.  I focus on all the great things that I just KNOW are going to happen to me.

I also use those few minutes to repeat my affirmations and just take a mental inventory of  my day.  It’s an incredible way to start your day, but more than that, you’re practically guaranteeing yourself a great day.  It takes very little time and practically no effort, and the rewards you reap are amazing.  Why not give it a try and see what happens.