Go within every day and find the inner strength so that the world will not blow your candle out. – Katherine Dunham
Wow – it amazes me EVERY time it happens and today is one of those days. I pick out a week’s worth of quotes on Sunday and set them up to auto run every morning. I read the quotes and think this is cool, or I like that one. There is no real rhyme or reason to the quotes that I pick, and then I promptly forget which ones I’ve picked for each day until I see it in my twitter feed ( @thinkpositive30) or open the Daily Positive Thought. Yet it amazes me EVERY SINGLE TIME a quote shoes up in my inbox that I can apply to a situation that is going on in my life at that time. Take for instance today’s quote – basically it’s saying reach deep inside yourself and find the strength to deal with the bozos in life who may be trying to tinkle on your wheaties. Did I know on Sunday, when I picked this quote that I would be faced with a wheaties tinkler first thing? No I didn’t, but I was, and even as I was stressing out over it, in the back of my mind the quote was floating around reminding me that I have the strength and the fortitude to deal with whatever was being handed to me.
I think it’s the universe’s way of saying “Hey, don’t worry, yeah this is kind of a bummer, but you have the tools to deal with it.” And I do, and so do you. We all have these inner reserves of strength we can call upon, and the universe likes to send us these little messages to help us remember. Okay today’s wasn’t a little message, it was a wake up Gibbs slap to the back of the head saying wake UP Tracie and get a clue, you have an arsenal of tools to deal with this! I do have the tools and so do you, so the next time life gets you down, remember to reach deep inside of you and find the strength to keep your own personal candle burning bright.