What is a Worthwhile Achievement?

Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement. ~ Henry Ford

I’m not going to lie – I’m feeling overwhelmed this week. There is a lot of things going on, at home, at work and in my personal life that all seem to be imploding all at once, an I’m struggling to find a way to deal with it.  I am seriously at a point where I feel that NOTHING I do is worthwhile, and I figure if I can feel this way, I’m betting plenty of other people have those feelings at one point or another.

The question is, how do you get past the negative feelings and move on to bigger and better?  I have a battery of cheer myself up tools in my own personal arsenal, including singing on the top of my lungs, dancing around the room, coloring, and going through some positive affirmations.  These are all great tools, and usually, any one of them is enough to snap me out of any funk I may be in.

Sadly, this time they’re not, and I’m not quite sure why.  I really feel like I’m not accomplishing anything, and nothing I undertake is worthwhile.  Logically, I know this is an untrue statement.  I am a parent of two wonderful and amazing kids.  That alone should should tell me that I’m accomplishing something worthwhile.  I’ve managed to, as a single parent, get two kids almost all they way through high school and we’re navigating the college selection process right now.  I work in a struggling school district with students who are troubled and every day that I get them to come to school/stay in school/go to class/do some work can be viewed as a worthwhile achievement.

The problem is, NOTHING seems worthwhile and I don’t feel like I’m making a difference or helping anybody, or myself, in any way shape or form.  So I’ve been giving it a LOT of thought, and I’ve come to a conclusion – sometimes you just have times when you are down in the dumps.  It’s not the greatest thing in the world, but it’s not the worst either, and having the down in the dumps times makes it easier to appreciate the super great times that are coming.

And then, when you least expect it, something will happen.  I blogged a few months ago about a song that always makes me feel good and it just now came on the radio.  Guess what?  It helped.  I’m not walking around feeling all Mary Sunshine-ish, but I’m a little better, and I know that in a little while, I’ll be great.  So if you’re in a funk, hang in there….things will turn around soon enough!