I Can Do This. I Will Do This

Greetings All,

It’s been a crazy busy couple of months for me, and I’ve been feeling really overwhelmed and generally not good and kind of blah.  Frankly it sucks, and I’ve been struggling to find my way out.  I’ve been posting my Daily Positive Thought, but I haven’t been blogging about it.

I’ve started making some changes in my life.  Eating healthier, incorporating more movement into my life, cutting back on caffeine and adding more water.  It’s helped a lot, but not as much as I would like.

As many of you know, I’m a HUGE believer in The Law of Attraction, and I recently found a book called The Law of Attraction Made Simple by Jonathan Menske, and I have to say I am LOVING this book.  It’s reminded me of a lot of things that I already knew and more importantly, it’s teaching me things I did not know.

It reminded me that happiness is a choice and lately, I’ve been choosing to be glum.  I’m so done with that!  I’m not saying I won’t slip into woe is me phase again, but I’m going to keep consciously reminding myself daily that happiness is a choice and I am going to choose happiness.

Jonathan shared 8 key words to always remember.  I can do this.  I will do this.  You get to pick the this.  So I can be happy.  I will do this.  I can achieve my weight loss goals. I will do this.

Guess what, you can, too.  Seriously folks,  You need to pick up this book from Amazon, and check out his website.  He has some great free resources on it that are very helpful.

I’m going to try and blog more regularly, but I will be honest, it’s going to be very busy at work for the next few months, and work takes precedence.  Hope to post again soon!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. jonathan manske

    That’s such a powerful concept to grasp – Our happiness is never dependent on circumstances (otherwise every rich person would be happy etc.) It is a choice we make independent of our circumstances.

    Viktor Frankl (Man’s Search For Meaning) said that circumstances outside our control will impact our lives but we get to choose how we respond. If we respond in one way, we flourish. If we respond in another, we perish.

  2. Philip

    And after the experiences Frankl had during World War II he is such a powerful example! Can’t put my finger on the exact wording right now, but I think there is a Buddha quote that goes in this direction.

  3. admin

    Philip – if you find the quote, please share it!

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