
I don’t know if challenges necessarily make life more interesting.  Difficult yes, but not always interesting.  However, that feeling you get when you overcome an obstacle is amazing.  We can’t avoid struggles in life, and we certainly can’t ignore them.  TO do so would be foolish.  But when we’re hit with challenges, difficulties and obstacles, what we can do is hold tight to the feeling we’ve had before when we’ve triumphed and remember.  Remember that difficulties have been faced before and we have come out on the other side stronger than before.  Take those challenges, and struggles and use them.  Use what you’ve learned and the strength you’ve developed from overcoming them and use them to overcome the challenges that you may be facing right now.  You’ve done it before and you can and will do it again.  You are strong, and you are bigger and better than any challenge that life may throw at you.
