Celebrate Your Life

Celebrate your Life
by Jafree Ozwald

This life that you have been given is a very sacred thing,
and there are sooo many wonderful reasons to celebrate it!
The best reason is you are the co-creator and main manifestor of it all!
Yes, your thoughts are designing your reality in each millisecond.
So think about what you WANT and stop thinking about what you don’t want.
Let yourself play, dance, sing, and enjoy being alive today!

You can just scream out a BIG YES to yourself
because YOU are THE party.  That’s right.
Without you, there is no main attraction.

No matter what those doubting limiting thoughts may say,
always remember this one little fact.
The more often you can celebrate every precious day of your life,
the bigger the “welcome home” party you’ll have in the end.

Get ready to let it ALL hang out,
the real FUN is just starting.

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