Just in Case

I came across this image today, and I promptly shared it everywhere.  I think we should all read it to yourselves or say it to ourselves every morning.

In case you forgot to remind yourself this morning…your butt is perfect. Your smile lights up the room. Your mind is insanely cool. You are way more than enough, and you are doing an amazing job at life.

I know I’ve blogged about this before, but we are our own worst enemy.  Seriously!  I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t talk to my worst enemy the way I talk to myself.  My internal monologues are filled with disgust about myself, my life, my eating habits, my laziness, basically, my everything.  Let’s just take eating habits for a second.  Yeah, my eating habits are not the greatest, but neither are the eating habits of a lot of other people.  There will be times when we’ll be pigging out on junk food and someone will comment on how bad they are eating or how much weight they need to lose.   To them I will say supportive things. “It’s okay to take a break from eating healthy,” or “Splurge today and get right back on the healthy eating wagon tomorrow.”  I will always try to be supportive and positive but when it comes to me, I’m ripping myself apart for what I may have eaten.

I constantly talk down to myself.  In my mind, I am fat, ugly, lazy and stupid, and everything I do is wrong.  I don’t think I’m alone in this hateful self-talk.  I don’t understand why we do this to ourselves.  I don’t know what happened to me to make me be so dissatisfied with the person that I am, but I do know that it needs to change.  Am I a perfect person?  No, of course not.  Are there things I need to improve about myself?  Absolutely.  Are those things worthy of the self-loathing, and hate I heap upon myself?  No.  I do not deserve that kind of talk, and what’s amazing is if anybody else talked to me that way, I’d be inclined to punch them in the face.  At the very least, I’d tell them to shut up, walk away and probably cut them out of my life.  And yet I continue to take the abuse I heap upon myself, and I think I’m not alone.

So while I’m not a big resolution person, I think I am going to make one this year.  I’m going to start treating me, and talking to me they way I treat others and talk to others.  I’d like all of you to join me in this.  Make 2018 the year of loving yourself.  2018 is the year of loving me!

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