Yoga of the Mind

Flexibility requires an open mind and a welcoming of new alternatives. ? Deborah Day

Everybody is all about yoga and how great it is for you.  It is.  It’s increases flexibility, improves respiration and energy, helps to maintain a healthy yoga of the mindmetabolism.  It helps with weight loss, and can improve cardio and circulatory health.  Well what we all need to practice is yoga of the mind. You don’t need a mat, or blocks or anything.  All you have to do is look at things with an open mind.

We  all have set ideas and preconceived notions in our heads.  And most of us hate change.  It’s a very scary thing. But change happens, and we need to let it, and embrace it even.  Be flexible with what comes your way.  Sometimes you need to just go with the flow and let life happen. Don’t assume that things need to go this way or that.  See the possibilities and the potential.  Practice some of that yoga of the mind and be flexible with how you react.

I realize how completely and utterly ridiculous it sounds, yoga of the mind.  If you just randomly heard that phrase, you’d think somebody was nuts.  But when you think about it in conjunction with change, and opening your mind and being flexible about things in life, it makes perfect sense.  So open your mind, and become a more flexible thinker by practicing yoga of the mind.