The Secret of Deliberate Creation

Have you ever wondered why the Law of Attraction isn't working well for you?  You've watched the video, you've read the book, in fact you've read many books and still you struggle.  It's an exercise in frustration.  You're living in default mode instead of design mode.  You're conditioned to have low, or even empty expectations, but you cannot achieve success by slapping positive thoughts on top of empty expectations.  Trust me, I know.  I was banging my head against the wall.  I'm Joe positive...I'm always thinking positive and looking for the good everywhere and in everything.  But then I learned about The Secret of Deliberate Creation.  Dr. Robert Anthony breaks it all down and helps you to work through the roadblocks that are sabotaging your success.  If you want to learn more about this fantastic program, Click Here!  Give yourself permission to TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE, and start manifesting your heart's desire.

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Why Positive Thinking Alone Doesn’t Manifest Wealth

Hi This might sound controversial to some people, but remember, I’ve spent half a lifetime surrounded by people who have achieved great success (financial included), so I know what I’m talking about here…   Positive thinking is NOT enough to bring you wealth.   No matter what other self-help experts out there tell you, it is NOT enough.   Positive Thinking by itself = Future disappointment   What you need is…   Positive Thinking + Skills/Mindset + Action = Great wealth   Here’s how to become a complete and total MAGNET for money…   ==> The REAL secret to Total Money Magnetism   If you want to become wealthy then you need to learn how to reprogram your mind to THINK like a millionaire.   Society has programmed so many incorrect thoughts about how money works that it takes a lot more than just positive thinking for you to become a magnet for it.   But… If you’re willing to change your way of thinking…   If you’re willing to forget the well meaning advice from your friends, family, school teachers, and so forth…   …If you’re willing to implant the brain of a millionaire into your head… Then follow…

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The 12 Day Money Manifesting Money Magnet E-Course

This FREE online experience will inspire, enlighten and heal your relationship with money so that you can effortlessly attract financial abundance into your life! True story... Learn How to Win the Lottery with Visualization!! She wrote the figure "$112 million" constantly, slept with the number under her pillow for weeks, meditated on it, and imagined how excited she would be once the money finally came into her life. After four months of obsessive focus she stopped and let go. And it did. In May 2007, Stafford won $112 million in California's Mega Millions lottery. Benefits from Taking The 12 Day Manifesting Money Magnet Ecourse Secrets to Become a Powerful Money Magnet! Dramatically Increase your Financial Frequency Secrets to Become a Powerful Money Magnet! Empower and Liberate your Relationship with Money Secrets to Become a Powerful Money Magnet! Learn 12 Manifesting Secrets that will turn you into a Money Magnet Secrets to Become a Powerful Money Magnet! Feel what's it like to step into the mind of a real Billionaire Secrets to Become a Powerful Money Magnet! Experience the sensations of being totally abundant and financially free Secrets to Become a Powerful Money Magnet! Receive direction and clarity about your life…

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Awaken to YOUR Divine, Infinite Nature

It's a new year and the possibilities for all of us are endless - but are you tapping into your manifesting potential?  Or are you manifesting, but not fast enough?  It's something a lot of people struggle with, myself included.  But thanks to my friend Jafree I'm learning to tap into my manifesting potential, and the results have been staggering! And Jafree is SOOOOO generous that he is willing to share those secrets with you! nstantly Increase your Manifesting Abilities absolutely FREE! Click here and get free access to Jafree's secrets.  Here's what you'll get: You'll receive the 3 Secrets to Manifesting Video, the 1st Chapter of my life changing Manifesting Manual, 2 powerful Manifesting Meditations on MP3 Audio, and Life Transforming Enlightenment Emails... all for FREE!

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Become a Super Manifestor

Are you ready to stop working sooooo hard to pay your bills each month and learn how to manifest true financial freedom in your life? My friend Jafree, founder and creator of the Enlightened Beings web portal has discovered the the proven steps and secrets for manifesting anything and everything that you desire. He has put together an online Super Manifesting Program that is 100% guaranteed to dramatically improve your manifesting abilities in 90 days or less! Already there have been tens of thousands of people from 65+ countries around the world who have experienced Extraordinary Real Life Results simply from following his simple manifesting technology. It truly is amazing and works every time with everyone who does it. We know you'll be joyfully surprised with the many positive results you'll receive... Click Here to Instantly Download Everything INSIDE Jafree's Super Manifesting Program Now! Enjoy the journey!

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Awesome New Super Manifesting Package

I've been diving into the "Manifesting Manual" from my friend Jafree at and it's truly AMAZING! His step-by-step Manifesting Routine shows you exactly how to raise your consciousness so you can EASILY manifest anything you want! You can create anything...people have manifested loving enlightened relationships, financial freedom, your ideal career, peak health, and super confidence in yourself! Check out what happened to Bayan Rahal after following the program: "I did exactly what chapter 9 of the Manifesting Manual said and got tremendous results that really amazed me! I gained $500,000 from a TV show, bought my dream car and am engaged to the person that I feel is my soul mate! We are in love and he is just like I imagined him! Believe it or not. Everything that I write here is TRUE , thank you for helping me! " ~ Bayan Rahal This program has changed hundreds of thousands of people's lives from all around the world and it will enlighten your life too! Click Here to See What's Inside The Super Manifesting Program Now!

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Become a Money Magnet!

This experience will enlighten your mind AND dramatically increase your financial frequency... A 12 Day Manifesting E-course will turn you into a Money Magnet! This is an experience on finding where your financial limitations and blocks are at and this free course will teach you how to move beyond them with effortlessly ease. In turn, you will increase your income as you learn how to receive more abundance. By using all 12 Secrets to becoming a Manifesting Magnet you will be unstoppable! I know you'll love what happens after the 12th day on this free program... Click Here to Start the FREE Online 12 Day Manifesting Abundance E-course Now! Have fun!! Sending great abundance your way, Tracie

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Super Manifesting!

Hey There! Are you ready to stop working sooooo hard to pay your bills each month and learn how to manifest true financial freedom in your life? My friend Jafree, founder and creator of the Enlightened Beings web portal has discovered the the proven steps and secrets for manifesting anything and everything that you desire. He has put together an online Super Manifesting Program that is 100% guaranteed to dramatically improve your manifesting abilities in 90 days or less! Already there have been tens of thousands of people from 65+ countries around the world who have experienced Extraordinary Real Life Results simply from following his simple manifesting technology. It truly is amazing and works every time with everyone who does it.We know you'll be joyfully surprised with the many positive results you'll receive... Click Here to Instantly Download Everything INSIDE Jafree's Super Manifesting Program Now! Enjoy the journey! Tracie

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…Your Team Leader

I am looking for 2 people to join my team. Are you ready to take the first steps to financial freedom? Now is the time. We're running a limited time special. The $99 Promo Business Builder Kit contains 1 boxes of Ultimate Applicators (that’s 4 applicators total) and an assortment of marketing materials to kick start your business. You also get 1 month free eSuite and personal website ($20 per month starting month 2). Beyond that, you'll get access to my team page where you will get all the support you need. You'll also have free training at It Works U! Where else can you start a business for under $100 and earn all your money back when you sell the 4 wraps you get in your kit? That’s right, you can earn your money back very quickly by selling the wraps plus with the special bonus offer you get another box of 4 wraps completely free. Sell those and you've not only made back your initial investment, you've made $100.00. The potential is UNLIMITED. Don't think you have time? If yu have time to post on facebook, twitter, or instagram, you have time for this. That's right, you can…

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Be a Builder, not a Destroyer

There are two ways of exerting one's strength: one is pushing down, the other is pulling up - Booker T. Washington Sorry there were no blog posts last week  - it was a crazy week.  I'm taking two classes this summer and they started Monday (and they're very challenging, but I've got this) and I also started a new online business.  Money made will go toward paying for the Daily Positive Thought mailing list so that we can send out positive thoughts EVERY DAY instead of combining them.  I'll tell you more about it at the end of this post. We all have this amazing power inside of us - it's a power we can apply to ourselves, and to others.  That power is support. Think about a parent with a child, or a teacher with a student, or yourself with your friends.  You are kind, and supportive.  You cheer on their ideas, help, nurture and care.  In short, you are there for them.  Very seldom, if ever I hope, will you hear a teacher say "Johnny, I can't believe you got it wrong, you are so dumb."  Nor would you say to your best friend, "Oh, she'll never like…

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