7 Steps to INCREASE Your Money Flow
Today we have another awesome guest post from Erin Dickson of Gravity Life Coaching Do you feel frustrated with your current financial situation and are looking to change it, but just don't know how? When you grow up with certain ideas about money, you tend to internalize them and this actually blocks your flow of money, without even realizing it. These ideas could be that there is a ceiling on how much money you can make, "money doesn't grow on trees", you have to work very hard just to get by or that money makes you happy or sad. When you hold onto that mindset about money, you are blocking the flow of the money coming to you. So how do you change it? 1. Identify what your beliefs about money are. What ideas did you inherit about money from your parents? Are you still holding onto these ideas? How are they stopping you from meeting your full potential? Listen to your own inner statements about money. Give yourself 2 days to really listen to how you think about and talk about money. What things do you find yourself saying? Action Step: Determine what…