Don’t Just Pay LIP SERVICE to your Affirmations

I have a set of affirmations I say on a daily basis, and with that I have a routine. I usually say them while driving my car on my way to work. On some levels this works great. I have a scheduled set time when I do them, and they get done, but on another level, I discovered this isn't working out too well. Why? Because I'm focusing, as I should, on my driving, and NOT on my affirmations. I'm NOT feeling them, I'm NOT believing that that is how my life is right now. Instead, I'm going through the motions of saying them as I make my way through the traffic on the highway to work. Doing my affirmations this way means I'm not manifesting what I truly want as quickly and as effectively as I should. I AM manifesting, but not with the speed I could and should be. Don't just pay lip service to your affirmations, visualizations and meditation. Set aside time to focus on them completely with your entire being. You deserve the break, and you deserve to manifest your heart's desires.

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Between a Rock and a Hard Place pt 2 – Chris Cade

by Chris Cade

“I understand sometimes situations require a fast response and a decision. If you practice the above on a regular basis, what you’ll notice is that the time you need to ‘be in the unknown’ and arive at a solution will become less and less.

You’ll also be able to more quickly recognize when you’re making sub-optimal decisions, and therefore, correct course more effectively before it’s too late.”
Many times when we are experiencing conflict, our values and integrity are also being challenged. What makes it “a rock and a hard place” is often that two or more things of importance to us are not playing nicely together.

Maybe our parents want one thing, and our spouse wants another.

Or perhaps we are sick and feel torn between conventional medicine and natural medicine. (more…)

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Between a Rock and a Hard Place pt 1 – Chris Cade

by Chris Cade

Nobody gets through life unscathed. We all have difficult situations. And we all have extremely difficult situations. And as pleasure-seeking-pain-avoiding creatures on this planet, when we are in difficulty the first thing we usually do is try and “fix” it.

When in pain, we seek to eliminate the pain.

When in conflict, we seek to resolve the conflict.

When in uncertainty, we seek to find grounding.

Mind you there’s nothing wrong with wanting to minimize pain, conflict, and uncertainty. In fact, it’s something I am conscious of regularly. However, the way most of us go about it is often detrimental to finding the optimal solution. (more…)

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Zombie Kids Like Turtles

by Chris Cade The other day I was curious about what the top YouTube videos are of all time. Mostly at the top is some combination of Justin Beiber and other popular singers... and a bunch of random videos. One video title caught my attention: "Zombie Kid Likes Turtles" So I watched it. It was a news clip. And was quickly reminded why I don't watch the news. Most news falls into two categories: Dumb and discouraging. Dumb is stuff like Zombie Kid Likes Turtles. It's when the filler in the news lacks any useful or emotional substance. It's arguably even an ineffective attempt at bringing some heart into the news. Calling it dumb isn't a judgment. Dumb news isn't necessarily good or bad. It's dumb because it lacks intelligence, substance, and even humor. Then there's the "discouraging." That's all the stuff we "think we have to keep up with" so we can "be prepared." Bad news. Murders. War. Bad economy. Corruption. Drugs. Natural disasters. Scandals. Affairs. Negative politics. The list goes on... And every moment you expose yourself to bad news, you are subconsciously reinforcing pain, negativity, and fear. Your mind subconsciously learns and believes: "This is how the…

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Thinking Positive and Vision Boards

I know, I know, you think vision boards are weird, strange, new age-y or just plain stupid and a waste of time.  I'm here to say - not so much.  Vision boards are just a concrete tangible form of visualization and visualization techniques have been used for many years.  Professional athletes frequently use visualization techniques to improve their performance, as do many stage/screen performers, musicians and business people.  A vision board is merely a pictorial  representation of our wants and our goals. Why am I bringing this up now?  It's simple, really.  I've made several vision boards, on paper, on a bulletin board, and even a video set to music.  The other day I looked at my vision board and realized that I'd actually achieved quite a few of the wants/goals that I'd put on there.  Granted, I don't have the bazillions of dollars that I want, or the McMansion of my dreams, but  when i look back at all the things I wanted that I did get, I know those other things are coming. Why not make a vision board of your own?  It's not hard, plus it's a chance to play with scissors and glue and even glitter…

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It’s Time to Stop Giving – Chris Cade

by Chris Cade In my previous email (which you can click here to read), I shared that there's a new way to go beyond the "getting" and "giving" paradigm and into a new way of engaging with the world. In short, "giving" inherently suggests an experience of separation. "I have this. I give it to you. Now you have it. I don't." If you give away a dollar, you no longer have it yourself. The dollar is separated from you and joined with another person, so to speak. In the case of emotions like love, it seems less obvious that this is what happens. In fact, some great authors and speakers have commented how love is the only thing that when we give it away, we actually have more of it. In theory that's great. I love the principle. In reality, it still subconsciously encourages separation. It presumes at the basic level, "I have love and you don't." (or don't have enough of it) Perhaps I'm an idealist, but I believe we all have love within us. Sure we may be blocked from experiencing that love in its fullest unconditioned state. Decades of history, pain, and conditioning will block it…

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It’s all a Lie

At least that's what I've been feeling like lately.  Every week, I set up the mailing list to send out the Daily Positive Thoughts.  I queue them up on Twitter, and I write the blog posts, and set them up so they also go to our Live Journal Community.  I look for the quotes to use, and I try to keep the website running well as well as make it interesting and easy to navigate.  This was all in an effort to maintain a positive attitude, and hopefully help other people to feel more positive as well.  Right now, I'm starting to think that it's all pointless and the whole be positive, Law of Attraction stuff is just a lie, a big pile of nothingness that was put together in order to make other people money. That's exactly how I was feeling.  I didn't feel like my Daily Positive Thoughts were helping anybody, and they certainly weren't helping me.  To me, they'd become nothing more than a chore.  And as far as the whole Law of Attraction thing went, well it just wasn't happening for me.  I'd done what the books said.  I put my wants and desires out there…

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The Road You Choose

Travel the road that you have chosen and don't look back with regret. You have to take chances to make your dreams happen. Finding the road you want to travel can be difficult, but it's important NOT to second guess yourself.  There are those who say that second guessing is second nature but believing in yourself and the choices you make is what should be second nature.  Once you start to believe in yourself and the decisions that you make, you'll probably find that the decision making process gets easier.  And once you start to believe in  yourself and believing in your dreams, you'll start finding ways to make those dreams come true.  Believe in yourself, believe in your decisions and believe in your dreams!  

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Have a Brighter Outlook

Have a brighter outlook on life - open your eyes to the possibilities and move forward toward exciting new directions. Every day, I'm surrounded by people tell me their life sucks and they have no chance of going anywhere or achieving anything.  I'll admit to feeling that way sometimes myself.  But I feel so bad for people who get trapped into that mindset.  There are ALWAYS possibilities.  They may not be the possibilities you want, but there are possibilities.  Open yourself UP to those possibilities, for they can open even more new and exciting possibilities and adventures for you.  You are NOT stuck in that same place or in that same life.  Sometimes you have to ask for help, and sometimes you just have to look around and see the opportunities that life has for you.  Remember today is full of limitless possibilities!

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