How to Attract Your Soulmate

My friend James shared with me the secrets to what your soulmate secretly craves more than anything else!  He wants to share the secret obsession that is the key to your man's heart.  His secrets will help you attract and keep the love you so truly deserve.  You just need to know the key to flip the secret trigger in his heart.  Tap into his primal, inner desires and become his obsession!  Click here to get your copy of these secrets to tap into his hero instinct and make him yours.

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The Universe is in Love With YOU!

The Universe Is In Love with You

Written by Jafree Ozwald

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~Rumi

No matter what horrific things that have happened in your past, the Universe is not holding onto them. It is not judging you, condemning you, or holding you to be someone less than sacred. The Universe sees all of you, and knows you are both human and divine. It honors and respects you exactly how you are. It is proud of the perfection that is created in you. Yes, the entire Universe is totally in love with you!

You don’t need someone in your life to feel loved. Whether you believe it or not, you are being unconditionally loved by life right now. That’s right, the most exquisite joyful healing feeling is here, hidden inside you right now. Call off the search for love out there, and set your destination for exploring the infinite Universal source of love within!

This Universal love is unusual, because it truly is unconditional. It is a deeper spiritual type of love than romantic love. It continues loving you no matter what you think, say or do. Only this type of love can heal every cell inside, enlighten our soul, and set us free from all our human worries, fears and pain. No matter what you have gone through in your life, the Universal love is always going to be there giving itself over to you. You simply have to release the idea that it is to come from the outside in, instead of from some mysterious place deeper on the inside. (more…)

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Be Happy with You

I don't know where this came from originally, but it really resonated with me. Dear One,  Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone, to have a deep soul relationship with another, to be loved thoroughly and exclusively, but I say "No."  Not until you are satisfied, fulfilled and content with being alone, with giving yourself totally and unreservedly to Me, will you be ready to have the intensely personal and unique relationship that I have planned for you.  You will never be united with anyone or anything else until you are united with Me. I want you to stop planning, stop wishing, and start allowing Me to give you the most thrilling plan in existence - one that you cannot even imagine. I want you to have the best.  Please, allow Me to bring it to you.  You must keep watching Me expecting the greatest of things.  Keep experiencing the satisfaction that I AM.  Keep listening and learning the things that I will tell you.  Just wait.  That's all.  Don't be anxious. Don't worry.  Don't look around at the things others have or that I have given them. Don't look at the things you think you want. Just keep…


Love Yourself – From Chris Cade

Every once in a while, the Universe does something awesome - right now, right this second was one of those awesome things.   This morning I posted a blog post about the importance of being a friend to yourself and loving yourself. Just a few minutes ago in an email, I received this from Chris Cade.  Talk about synchronicity! A couple of days ago was Valentine's Day. All across the world, people experienced a variety of emotions. Though there's three primary ones I've noticed seem to be most common: (1) A deep affection and love (usually towards others) It seems that by giving ourselves a "reason" to love, it activates that part of ourselves that finds reasons to experience, express, and share our love. This is not unlike a sentimental photo that reminds us of a past moment we cherished. "Valentine's Day" can act as a symbol to look inward and live more fully outward. (2) Indifference For me, most Valentine's Days pass with irrelevance. Every day is an opportunity to experience, express, and share love. Rather than having to "find" a reason, I focus on removing the inner blocks so I naturally experience those reasons more frequently. with each passing…

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Your Emotions are Valid – The Daily Love

Your Emotions Are Valid, Choose People Who Believe That, Too! originally posted by Mastin Kipp on August 28, 2011 at The Daily Love Our emotions are not a burden, neither to us nor to the people in our lives. Our emotions are real and they are valid. If we are to be happy, we must begin to step into not only loving our emotions, but also finding healthy ways to express them. We can’t build intimacy with anyone in our life without the ability to express our emotions and feel safe doing so. Many people have written in the  and shared how they feel guilty for expressing their emotions, even though they feel their life is a blessing. They feel that their emotions are a burden and shouldn’t be expressed unless they are totally 100% positive. But you see, anyone who only wants us to express “positive” emotions (including ourselves) doesn’t have true unconditional love for us. Rather, they have a conditional kind of love that can only handle the “good”. This is probably for good reason, namely because everyone is going through something and many folks don’t want even MORE negativity in their life. However, for us to really love each…

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Love Yourself

Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world - Lucille Ball Who would have thought such words of wisdom would come from such a funny, funny lady. Funny though she was, Ms. Ball was also 100% correct. You have to love yourself first. Loving yourself is the most important thing. It's also probably one of the hardest things you'll ever do. But once you do it, once you truly and completely love the amazing and wonderful person that you are, you'll be amazed at the great things that will start to happen. You'll find that you are happier, you smile more, things are easier to accomplish and people enjoy being around you. Simply because you love yourself.  


What About Love?

I've been thinking a lot about love lately.  What it is, what it means, what's it's like to have it, and what it's like to not have it in your life, and of course the different kinds of love. Lets start with the types of love.  There is the love you share with friends, there is passionate love, there is romantic love, familial love and unrequited love just to name a few. I'm lucky that I have lots of love in my life.  I have great friends, and I have two amazing and wonderful kids.  I am rich when it comes to love.  I've had passionate love and romantic love and I've even had unrequited love.  And all of them are good.  Yes, all of them - even the unrequited love. I had crushes on boys when I was a little girl.  Boys who didn't even know I was alive, and I had crushes on movie stars and singers.  Yes David Cassidy and Donny Osmond, I'm talking to you.  And yes, as an adult, there have been people I loved deeply, with all my heart that just didn't love me back. At first, I thought unrequited love was a horrible…

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Seriously It’s OK to Let Go – Mastin Kipp

From The Daily Love It’s okay to let go. True Love is letting go. Freedom and free will are the by-products of Love. So many of us lead our lives holding on so tightly that nothing new, nothing miraculous can find us. We have been taught for a very long time that holding on is what makes us strong, is what Love is made of and is the best answer. But we are stepping into a new paradigm. We are stepping into a time where growth and Love lead the way. This means we are constantly changing, evolving, dying and being reborn. What must come first is our own spiritual growth. This means listening to our intuition, trusting our gut and expressing ourselves authentically without hiding. Holding on to a broken relationship stunts our growth. You don’t get points from The Uni-verse for how much you suffer. The Uni-verse wants to deliver to you all that your heart desires. Our relationships have been sent to teach us, to mold us and to shape us. When we seek Love, The Uni-verse sends us all kinds of relationships that bring to the surface all the blocks we have to Love. We must…

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A Reason, A Season or A Lifetime – Chris Cade

email from Chris Cade Below is a slightly modified passage which has always resonated with me because it illustrates the significance of understanding and accepting that people come into our lives for different purposes and for differing amounts of time. When we become still and tune into our intuition, we gain insight into the nature of those reasons and how we might embrace these peoples' presence in our life more fully. "A Reason, A Season, Or A Lifetime" -- Author Unknown People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are! They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part, or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.…

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Give Love Away

Love wasn't put in your heart to stay. Love isn't love until you give it away. - Michael W. Smith I love love. I am in love with love. I am FILLED with love, and the more love I have, the more love I share, and the more I share, the more I get back. Think about it, what good is love if you keep it all to yourself and hoard it? Love is meant to be shared, because when you share love, love grows, love spreads, love expands. Keep sharing those amazing feelings of love you have and watch as that love multiplies and comes back to you a thousand times over!  Love doesn't cost you anything - it's an amazing gift to give, and it's the one gift you can regift without guilt and are happy to get back!

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