Break the Cycle of Emotional Eating

I am an emotional eater.  I eat when I'm happy, I eat when I'm sad, I eat when I'm angry and I eat when I'm bored.  In case you're not quite catching what I'm saying, I eat.  Now eating is not a bad thing, heck, we need to do it to survive, but eating your emotions, that's not such a great thing.  But I'm putting a stop to all that.  I've tried things like Weight Watchers, Nutri System, Atkins and Keto.  They're all great in teaching me how to eat, but nothing has helped me come to grips with why I eat.  Now, with help, I'm going to stop allowing my mind to bully my body! If you're stuck in the same cycle I am, then I suggest you check out this amazing class offered by Karen Salmansohn,  that will help to retrain your brain. In it, you'll learn: why you binge eat - the emotional root of your food issues how to stop obsessive thoughts around food - in a lasting way how to stop using food as a distraction or to deal with uncomfortable feelings like anger, stress, fear, grief and self-loathing. how to enjoy a more loving…

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Well Color Me A Bit Contemplative

CrossPosted from Well Color Me I was watching a lame movie today and in it, one of the characters said, "I'm a man, and men don't hurt the people they love." If you take it a step further, I'd say I'm an adult and adults don't hurt the people the love.  But they do, all the time.  Most of the time, it's not on purpose, but some times it is.  And it got me thinking why people do that.  Why do they say or do things that they know are going to hurt someone they care about It can be romantic relationship wise, sibling wise, or friend wise.  It doesn't matter what the relationship is, what matters is that it happened.  I know I've done it, and I usually immediately regret it.  But I've known some people who have said incredibly hurtful things to people and have never regretted it.  Your actions speak volumes as well, and if you don't walk your talk, what you say doesn't matter.  Think before you speak and think before you act. I'm going to try to be a better person and think before I speak and before I act.  More importantly I'm going to…

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The Good Morning Goddess Ritual of Self-Love

The Good Morning Goddess Ritual of Self-Love Self-love, the Saint-Graal of our modern society. Everyday, we get hammered by advertising messages asking us to take care of ourselves, to follow our dreams, to take that holiday, or leave that job. They ask us to do it, but it is always through the acquisition of a thing. I say that it all starts with self-love. Loving the person we are, as we are, is the basis of a healthy and balanced life. How can you pursue your dreams, love others, build a life you absolutely love, if you don't love the person you will be doing this with: yourself? The yoga practice is a beautiful way to cultivate self-love, through small actions. It is you reminding yourself to breathe during that challenging pose. It is knowing when to stop before you hurt. It is allowing your body to feel the way it feels, every day. It is accepting that one day you are flying in Bakasana (Crow pose) and the following day, you are collapsing in that same pose. In addition to the practice on the mat, I have created a ritual to include self-love in my daily life. As for…

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I’m Slacking Again

I'm slacking again on blog posts - which is odd because technically, I'm on summer vacation.  I'm still dealing with the drama of the deer running into my car.  It's really broken, but I'm not, so that's good.  I'm also taking a class this summer which for some reason, is kicking my ass.  Plus it's summer and I'm feeling lazy, lol.  All these things are combining to make it so I can't get out of my own way and get anything done.  And because of that, the blog posts are slacking off.  No excuses, it is what it is.  I'm slacking again and it's just the way it is lol. But as I sit here and think and type, I realize that not only am I slacking again on blog posts, I'm slacking on life.  There are lots of things I should be doing, and I'm not.  Maybe it's just going to be the summer of slacking. But here's the positive spin to all of it.  I'm slacking and it's okay.  I'm getting my school work done, and I'm getting my life responsibilities done.  I can't be perfect, and that's okay. I'm going to try and be better.  I'll share…

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It was a Speed Bump of Epic Proportions

Tuesday Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.– William James So I took a couple of unscheduled days off this week. I got hit with some crappy news, that threw me for a loop, and I needed time to regroup and come to terms with it.  It was a speed bump of epic proportions. What's interesting is the quotes for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday ALL work with this post, so I'm going to use them all! Wednesday You have three choices in life: give up, give in, or give it all you’ve got! - Unknown If I had done what certain people had wanted, I would have tucked my proverbial tail between my legs, packed my bags and moved on.  That's what other people wanted, but it's not what I wanted.  I decided to fight for what I wanted, and fight hard.  It's going to be an uphill battle, but I'm going to give it all I've got. Thursday You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give.…

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The Pain of Anxiety

Who among us hasn't felt anxious before.  But feeling anxious about something is a far different thing than dealing with ongoing anxiety.  If you're in this boat, you know exactly what I'm talking about. As you know, I'm a HUGE fan of Karen Salmansohn, everything this woman writes really resonates with me.  She is an amazing author and speaker and she has so much to share, and some of what she has to share deals with the pain of anxiety.  Karen doesn't want any of us to deal with this pain, and in fact, she's created this really awesome course that helps people to deal with it. Karen has made this amazing video series to help people deal with anxiety, and she offers 42 stress reducing tools that are all research backed. The training happens in short bursts - only 3 to 10 minutes per video - and can be enjoyed on infinite devices - cellphones, iPads, computers, oh my! Check out Karen's Anxiety Cure and see if it's right for you.  What's really cool is Karen is making an awesome offer.  You can try out the Anxiety Cure and if you find that it's not right for you, you…

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Take Steps to Have Better Life After Recovery

Take Steps to Have a Better Life After Recovery Adam Cook - Image via Pexels         Addiction and Treatment   Addiction is a disease affecting millions of people all over the world. There’s no one main factor that can predict if a person will struggle with substance abuse. A combination of genetic, environmental and developmental influences generally contribute to a person’s inclination towards addiction. While the best solution is prevention, there is hope for people who find themselves in the throes of this chronic disease characterized by compulsive drug or alcohol use.   Substance abuse treatments help addicts cease their drug use, stay drug-free and reintegrate into society as a healthy and productive person. There are various different methods of addiction treatment, but the principles behind them are essentially the same. Effective treatment doesn’t just remove drugs from the equation, it also addresses the various mental and emotional issues behind a person’s proclivity towards self-destructive behaviors. Detoxification is only the first step; patients also need behavioral therapy and counseling to help identify stressors or triggers that contribute to their addiction. Often medication is also administered to help relieve withdrawal symptoms and restore balance to neurochemicals. Life…

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Sometimes, I Wonder Why

Sometimes, I wonder why.  No that would be a lie, I wonder why, all the time.  I wonder why about a lot of things.  Today I am wondering why about Think Positive 30.   Why am I doing this? That is a very good question.  I started out doing this for me, and for a dear, wonderful friend.  You can read the story in the about section, but the abridged version is we were whiny.  Our blogs were filled with negative crap, and she decided to post one positive thing a day.  Why?  Because all that negativity was bringing us down. I made a blog specifically for that, and Think Positive 30 was born.  From the blog (not this one) it morphed into a website, and a mailing list.  I loved the mailing list.  But my web host kept flagging me for spam, even though people had to sign up for the email list.  I loved the email list beyond belief. It was a lot of work, but I loved it. But the flagging made me look for a different way to do it. I found the list I'm using now, Mail Chimp.  It's an amazing list, but it's…

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Fun Ways to ROCK Your Sober Halloween Party

Hey everyone - we have another awesome guest post from Constance at Fun Ways to Rock Your Sober Halloween Party   Photo via Pixabay   Halloween is right around the corner, marking the first end-of-the-year holiday that millions of people across the country celebrate, with jack-o-lanterns, loads of candy, and an astonishing variety of spooky events to host and attend. However, for people in addiction recovery, particularly those who are freshly sober, it can be hard to figure out how to spend the holiday without succumbing to temptation.   The truth is, as many long-time sober addicts who still love to throw a festive party will tell you, celebrating without alcohol or drugs can significantly enhance your experience of Halloween, rather than make you feel like you don’t fit into the costumed holiday scene. Yes, alcohol doesn’t have to be part of the picture. And you really can throw a sober and fun Halloween bash of your own.   Here are five games to consider when hosting a sober Halloween party, for a howlingly good time:   Pumpkin Carving Contest   Pumpkin-carving is one of the ultimate Halloween traditions. For your alcohol-free party, buy a load of small-sized pumpkins…

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The Power of Positivity: Amy’s Story

Today's guest post is by Constance Ray of “I'm so grateful to be set free from living a fear-driven life and carrying the burdens of that fear and worry. I am so thankful that I am happy the majority of the time today.” - Annette, Sobriety Advocate Depression and addiction are serious illnesses that affect millions of people — and sometimes, they work together to make someone’s life completely unbearable. And while it’s important to receive treatment for these conditions, whether on their own or as co-occurring disorders, the power of positive thinking can go a long way in helping people find their way back from despair. Amy, a brave addiction warrior, is proof that dancing in the rain is an effective first step in making a positive and permanent life change.   ***   Amy started struggling with mental health issues when she was just a little girl.   “From a young age, I started having panic attacks,” she said. “I was in and out of the doctors’ offices, and eventually diagnosed with depression and panic disorder.”   Though her parents worked hard to get her the help she needed, she still suffered some dark times during her adolescence.…

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