Relax and Trust the Universal Intelligence

Relax and Trust the Universal Intelligence Written by Jafree Ozwald "For peace of mind, we need to resign as general manager of the universe." ~Larry Eisenberg I invite you to explore the feeling that you are always at the right place, at the right time and you're being taken care of, provided for by a highly intelligent loving source in each new moment.  Just for this moment, allow everything in your life to be exactly the way it is. Yes, you can take a vacation from the world of worry and relax into your innermost paradise. You deserve a break from this very busy mind.  Take a deep breath right now and let yourself relax.  The more you can relax into your body, the easier it is to discover this intelligent Universal energy. Conscious relaxation is truly amazing in that it allows your brain cells to open up and receive full access to the divine Universal Intelligence.  This is where your greatest power and creativity is found.  Obviously there's no efforting involved in relaxation, it's simply a continuous release of the mind and free falling into a harmonious connection with this moment.  When you consciously let go of the…

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You are the Greatest Treasure

You are The Greatest Treasure. by Jafree Ozwald Even after you have received all the fame, fortune and glory that you have been seeking for lifetimes, this ego may still try to continue its habitual search for more, more, more! Why are you still looking for riches outside yourself  when you  are the greatest goldmine in the entire Universe! Yes, you are... So embrace this wonderful sacred truth and allow yourself to discover the greatest treasure is not outside of your body, it is already within you. Keep digging deep into the core essence of ,  and very very soon you will strike it rich! Click Here to Become a Super Manifesting Magnet Now!

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Becoming a SUPER Manifestor

My friend Jafree sent this along, and I just wanted to share it with you :)   Did you know there is an unlimited manifesting power inside you which you can learn to tap into and manifest the life you've been dreaming of? My friend Jafree, founder and creator of took 15 years of his life to create a powerful manifesting program that contains all the secrets you need to manifesting anything that you desire. There have been tens of thousands of people from 65+ countries around the world who have already experienced extraordinary results from using this powerful Manifesting Technology. Click Here to Learn More About Jafree's Super Manifesting Program Now! FYI: The soul purpose of this program is to empower, educate and inspire you! It will give your life full direction, clarity, confidence and the ability to become the master of your mind in this deeply challenging world. This enlightening material truly works, and his 8 habits manifesting routine will definitely empower you with the ability to create ANYTHING you can dream! For example, in 2003, one of Jafree's clients was $90,000 in debt, struggling with his business, self-esteem, energy and his personal relationship for many years.…

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The Three Secrets to Manifesting

Hi Everyone - this was shared with me by my friend Jafree - hope somebody finds it useful :)   These 3 secrets will enlighten people in the most inspiring ways and create long term sales of your Super Manifesting Program. It's all about helping people manifest their dream life, and doing it in a conscious and enlightening way! Enjoy! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ If I gave you a magic wand that would manifest anything... what one thing would you choose to bring into your life? This manifesting video below shows you how to access your "Magic Wand". It will teach you how to master your life and manifest your dreams! In this free video you will learn... 1. How to Become a Powerful Manifesting Magnet. 2. The Greatest Secret to Truly Master your Mind. 3. Exactly what you can do right now to help your desires manifest faster. Click Here to Watch your 3 Secrets to Manifesting Video Now! There's a ton of FREE information that my friend Jafree is giving away here and it's all highly enlightening material that is truly life changing! Jafree has spent 15 years researching and testing out his Manifesting Technology and has found amazing results with…

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What if You Stopped Being Yourself – Chris Cade

When I think of experiences that provide me the most inner growth, I notice they all have a common thread: Whatever is going on is not representative of what I consider to be my “normal” everyday experience.

In the case of the last 6 months, trauma is definitely not a part of my historical everyday experience. Most of my life has been fairly enjoyable, peaceful, and lacking of major conflict. Sure I’ve had my challenges, but nothing that was truly horrifying (until last year).

And while I don’t advocate you go out looking for trauma, my experience has shown me that embracing it and working through the trauma has given me riches of personal growth beyond my imagination.

It was a step FAR beyond my normal experience, and the trauma challenged me every single day to live what I know to be true. It also challenged me to decide whether or not I’d continue to identify with who I was, or if I’d step up to the unbelievable challenge and become more of the incredible person that I am discovering and know myself to be.

Now, if you don’t want to be traumatized to step out of your “normal” experience, there are other ways. 🙂

Here’s a true story to illustrate… (more…)

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Self Empowerment Guidebook

To help you realize your greatest potential, several of today's up and coming personal development leaders have shared their wisdom in a power-packed transformational ebook. It's called The Self Empowerment Guidebook. Each expert explores self empowerment from a different perspective, ultimately giving you a well-rounded and highly effective approach on what it takes for you to empower yourself and live a life of joy and success. You can grab your copy for free right now by clicking here. My friend, Chris Cade, has lovingly put this ebook together and is charging absolutely nothing for it. I've know Chris for a while now and one of his best qualities that I've discovered is his devotion to people like you and me. He wants you to succeed. He wants you to be happy. He wants you to be prosperous. And his latest ebook is just one way that he can help you achieve these things. Click on the link below to go to his website and follow the instructions to download The Self Empowerment Guidebook Wishing you much abundance,

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