Thinking Positive and the Law of Attraction

I received an email asking why, if this website is about thinking positive, am I posting information about the Law of Attraction?  It's a valid question - and I have an answer.  Some may not consider it a valid answer, but it's still an answer.  And of course, it's a long and convoluted answer because that's just the way I am - all convoluted. I grew up with the mantra of plan for the worst, but hope for the best.  Not the greatest way to live your life, but it is how I was raised.  Then one day,  a co-worker loaned me a dvd called The Secret.  I'd seen the book in store for quite a while but I just ignored it.  In fact, I totally judged it by it's cover (which I still dislike) and figured it was the dumbest book ever.    But I watched the dvd and WOW, I thought it was the most amazing thing ever.  Not the whole secret being passed down over generations or the manifesting of perfect parking spaces, but just by the whole concept.  Basically to me what it boiled down to was you get back what you put out, so why not…

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I suppose by now you’re thinking…

That this person is a nut - either that, or they've read the book The Secret and it's totally taken over their mind. Well, I'm not a nut - well no more than anybody else.  I have read The Secret, and it DID change my life, but not in the way you're thinking. I haven't manifested unlimited wealth and prosperity, or my dream car, or my perfect life. What The Secret did for me was to encourage me to change the way I think.  But it encouraged.  I did the changing.  I'm the one who decided that I could sit and dwell on the ho hum gloomy glum stuff that was going on in my life, or I could take 2 minutes and find the good and happy and positives in my day. That's all I want people to do - find the good in their day and CELEBRATE it.  Even if it's finding a penny on the ground.  I mean, hey, that's one more penny than you had previously, and it's one more penny closer to that million dollars, right? Be Positive, and remember - today has LIMITLESS POSSIBILITIES! If you want to receive the daily positive thought in…

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