Money, Tapping and the Law of Attraction

I just too a mini course on money mapping and working through your blocks about money. I'm going to be honest, I didn't really think I had any money blocks. It turns out I was wrong.  I have blocks, and  I think we all do. This class focused on using tapping (EFT) to work though the blocks. I'd heard about tapping, i read about it, and I was interested, but I never really did it. I am now, and I'm loving it, and I'd love to hear about other people's thoughts on tapping and success stories etc. But what i want to talk about are the blocks. Blocks can take many forms, and limiting beliefs can come from almost anywhere. I have a LOT of student loan debt, and even though I never realized it before, it makes me feel like a complete loser (talk about a block lol.) I've made money mistakes, but that doesn't make me a loser.  I used to feel like getting out of debt was hopeless, but it's not.  I just need to get rid of the blocks - that's where the tapping comes in.  It may not be for everyone, and that's okay, but…

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