Tap Your Way into an Autographed Copy of Nick Ortner’s New Book

Hey Everyone, We've talked about tapping before, and how it can be a great way to work through emotional blocks.  Nick Ortner, one of the leading experts in tapping has written a new book called The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self: 21 Days to Releasing Self-Doubt, Cultivating Inner Peace, and Creating a Life You Love. And he is offering a chance to get a FREE autographed copy of his book on his facebook page. Just an FYI if you use an ad blocker - you won't see the image of the book :) Hi! How are things going with the book? Nick would love it if you would be willing to post a review on Amazon for the book. As a special incentive, he is offering a SIGNED COPY of the book to those who review now and share the review with us in the form below. Just go to Amazon, write your review and send it to us (either cut and paste or grab a screenshot!) and fill out this form:  It will ask for your name, email, review and mailing address. If you are one of reviewers in the US, we will mail you a signed…

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Money, Tapping and the Law of Attraction

I just too a mini course on money mapping and working through your blocks about money. I'm going to be honest, I didn't really think I had any money blocks. It turns out I was wrong.  I have blocks, and  I think we all do. This class focused on using tapping (EFT) to work though the blocks. I'd heard about tapping, i read about it, and I was interested, but I never really did it. I am now, and I'm loving it, and I'd love to hear about other people's thoughts on tapping and success stories etc. But what i want to talk about are the blocks. Blocks can take many forms, and limiting beliefs can come from almost anywhere. I have a LOT of student loan debt, and even though I never realized it before, it makes me feel like a complete loser (talk about a block lol.) I've made money mistakes, but that doesn't make me a loser.  I used to feel like getting out of debt was hopeless, but it's not.  I just need to get rid of the blocks - that's where the tapping comes in.  It may not be for everyone, and that's okay, but…

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