Taking Control of My Life

So Life has spun a little bit out of control for me lately.  I'm a single  parent of 2, count them, 2 high school seniors.  Between all their activities, academics, and the all encompassing college application process, as well as all the things I have on my own plate, it's safe to say that my life has spun completely and totally out of control.  I'm overwhelmed and I don't know how to fix it.  Last night was particularly bad for a variety of reasons, and I started out my Monday wondering if I was even going to survive this year, and if I did, would it be worth it. Well this morning, I had an a blog post to read in my google reader - actually, we won't even begin to discuss the amount of blog posts because I didn't check them at all over the weekend.  However, one post from Marc and Angel Hack Life - Practical Tips for Productive Living .  The post was called 12 Unconventional Habits of Highly Productive People.  I was going to just ignore it because I don't want to be highly productive - at this point, I'll settle for keeping my head above…

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The First Step Starts With You

Throughout the centuries, there were men who took first steps, down new roads, armed with nothing but their own vision. ~ Ayn Rand This quote brings so many people to mind, Columbus, Magellan, Newton, Da Vinci and more.  They all ventured down uncharted roads, oftentimes being mocked for their theories and beliefs.  People like that were/are visionaries, there is no doubt about it, but I'm more interested in "regular" people.  What about the little first grader getting on the school bus for the first time.  That is a HUGE first step.  The teen who decides to be the first in their family to go to college - or to graduate high school for that matter.  First steps are subjective and we're all visionaries in our own right.  I'm probably never going to discover a cure for cancer, or solve the world hunger problems, but I've taken plenty of first steps in my life.  So have you, just think about some of the great things you've accomplished.  Things you never thought you'd do or people told you not to even try.  But you did, and you succeeded!  Now think about what else you'd like to accomplish.  What other goals do you…

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How Do You Measure Success?

Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming. - John Wooden I don't think anybody starts out their day by saying, "Today, I'm NOT going to try, and I'm going to do everything in my power to be a failure." Yet through our very actions, that's what we do, because we judge our success based upon the standards of others.  How many times have you heard someone say, either to you, or others that you/they are not living up to you/their potential?  Well now I'm going to say "Says who?"  I can look at my children and my students and think that they are destined to do great things in their lives.  Maybe they will, but maybe, according to MY standards they won't.  But what I think isn't important.  What matters is that they live up to the standards they have set for themselves. We spend so much time worrying about what others think about us, and how they perceive us.  Instead of taking so much time worrying about what others think, why not take a little time to discover what YOU think about yourself.  Are you living up…

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It’s all Part of the Learning Curve

I've learned a LOT about people and human nature lately.  Sadly, a lot of it is very disappointing, and I am disturbed by the nature of people who profess to be caring individuals.  They pay lip service to doing the right thing and their desire to help, but then turn around and do things that are so contrary to their statements.  It saddens me, but I'm trying to put the lessons I've learned to good use.  Again it's a case of realizing that while I can't control the actions of others,  I can certainly control how I REact to their actions. I was prepared to write a scathing post, and publicly call people out on what I consider atrocious behavior, but at what cost?  It's NOT going to change them, or impact them in any way, and it's only going to serve to fuel my anger.  So instead,  took some time and thought about their actions, and how they made me feel, and how they impacted me.  Now, I want to thank them, because I have had a life lesson reinforced and I am growing into a better person because of it.   P.S.  I will be getting out a…

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The Five Things Rule

This is a continuation of my Hello Negativity- now go away post from yesterday.  Yesterday, I was bombarded by negative attacks from a person, and I came up with a couple of strategies to deal with the negativity, and they worked for me.  I forgot one of the best and most effective strategies though - the Five Things Rule.  What is the Five Things Rule?  It's simple.  When you are angry with someone, or their working to make your life difficult, or if you're just in a  mood with someone (hey, it happens) list five things about that person that you really like.  Write it down, think about it, or even tell them to their face, but find FIVE things about that person that you really like and focus on them.  It's hard to remain mad, or negative when you're thinking about people's positive characteristics, and it's just as difficult to allow their negativity to effect or impact you when you're making a mental list of their good qualities.

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Hello Negativity, now go AWAY

Did you ever have one of those days when everything you say is either wrong, or worse, perceived as wrong and you pretty much can’t do anything right (at least in the eyes of others)?  I’m having that day.  Right now, right this very second, I am having that day.  It’s like there are negativity bombs aimed right at me and every singe one of them is scoring a direct hit.  (more…)

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