Visualizing and Goal Setting – The Daily Love

Visualizing and Goal Setting by Tone it up via The Daily Love Last week we talked to you about The Power of Visualization and how you make your dreams come true. We also talked about putting those thoughts into actions by creating your Vision Boards. We have featured a bunch of boards that you all sent to us! See the link below :) We LOVED this challenge and it was so much fun to see all of your goals! Now that you all have your vision boards created, its time to start manifesting! In the past we have been known to ‘wake up on the wrong side of the bed’ and rush into the day without properly preparing our minds. Many of us wake up and instantly start running through a list of ‘to-dos’ and become overwhelmed with stress and anxiety – not an ideal way to start! It takes a lot of mental focus and determination to live freely and have your desired life. Every morning we want you to wake up and take 10 minutes to meditate and visualize. Now that your vision boards are made, it’s easy to be reminded of what your goals are. Make sure…

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