The True Meaning of Patience

by Chris Cade

Many people believe that being “patient” means that you’re capable of waiting for something. The more patient you are, the longer you can wait… and you can even wait for “bigger” or “better” things. The most patient people appear calm even when they want something desperately.

The dictionary defines patience like this:

Capacity For Waiting: The ability to endure waiting, delay, or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset.

But is this really patience?

Perhaps for the general population, yes. I certainly used to think so. That is probably why so many people consider me a patient person. I have the capacity to delay gratification significantly when needed. I remain calm in extreme circumstances.

I’m not certain that’s real patience though. What if real patience is more personal? More immediate? More “in the now?” Here’s how I would redefine patience:
Capacity For Being: The ability to be in the present moment regardless of your circumstances.

The difference between the two is interesting. The first and most commonly accepted definition focuses on the future. It assumes there is something “out there” that we are “waiting” for.

In other words, trying to be patient requires always pulling our attention towards someplace and sometime other than where and when we are. In effect, it means we’re not being ourselves as we are right now.

The second definition I find more supportive in my life. It acknowledges that where and when we are is here and now. It allows us to experience the world in a more personal and immediate way. Thus we’re no longer waiting for something. Instead, we are embracing our experience and the humanity infused within it.

This new definition of patience enables us to release the stranglehold that the future has on us.

No longer do we have to spend time thinking about a future that doesn’t exist…

No longer are we comparing our current experience to some future experience (that might not even happen)…

Instead, we are in the present moment.

Patience gives us the support to be exactly as we are and where we are regardless of what the future holds.

Your Partner In Transformation,
Chris Cade
Liberate Your Life


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