What Exactly Is Enlightenment?
Written by Jafree Ozwald
“In a single moment, in one stroke, you can become enlightened. It is not a gradual process, because enlightenment is not something that you have to invent. It is something that you have to discover. It is already there. It is not something that you have to manufacture. If you have to manufacture it, of course, it will take time; but it is already there. Close your eyes and see it there. Be silent and have a taste of it. Your very nature is what I call enlightenment. Enlightenment is not something alien, outside you. It is not somewhere else in time and space. It is you, your very core.” ~Osho
Have you ever wondered exactly what does the word Enlightenment mean? Well, personally I’ve only had a very brief taste of the enlightened state through a Samadhi experience that I was blessed with in 1995. The one thing I can tell you that enlightenment is something that cannot be put into words. Yet, if I could describe it, I’d say it is the continuous realization of the divine Universally interconnected omnipotent omniscient omnipresent being you truly are. Wow, that’s quite a mouthful for something that has no words for it. Yet, when you meditate on this thought and begin knowing it as the Truth of who you are, an amazing enlightening experience begins downloading directly into your consciousness at the speed of light.
In my brief experience of enlightenment, the first thing I realized was that it happens to you as fast as light and comes directly to you from fully living in the Lightness of your own spiritual presence. Although most people don’t take the time to redirect their attention on their infinite spiritual nature, so they may not think it is real or that they can experience it at all. I must tell you that IT IS VERY real, and creates an experience of reality which you cannot compare to anything you’ve ever had before! It’s as if you were living in a dark candle lit musty closet for 25 years and suddenly found the door to walk outside and breathe the fresh spring air and feel the warm radiant light from the Sun!
The enlightening experience is not something you can measure with any scientific device (not just yet), rather it is the experience of the perpetual effulgence of your soul’s radiant awareness. It is seeing this world only through pure awareness, where there are no opinions, judgments or mind chatter in the way. When this happens you discover something that turns your entire life around. You realize that who you really are is a mind stopping experience. You are indescribable, unattainable, and exist far beyond the imagination of this limiting mind.
If you want to have a momentary taste of what enlightenment is, you must do something completely radical with how you’re typically spending your time. Stop whatever agendas you currently have with your life, let go of everything you thought to be real or true, and entertain the possibility that who you are is an undefinable infinite being, an eternal soul that was never born and thus will never ever die. By taking this dynamic leap in your consciousness into letting go of all limiting ideas about yourself, you’ll soon find the enlightened state blossoming within you.
Don’t let this idea that your personal problems and life issues are blocking you from enlightenment. Think of them like particles of sand between our toes, depending how you move through life they will either grind or massage your feet. The most challenging people in your life are also your greatest teachers in disguise. Simply take the approach to explore every experience in your life with a genuinely open mind and childlike curiosity. Stick to this like super glue and you’ll eventually become enlightened. Life has an incredible wisdom to download into your consciousness that’s bigger than what you can conceive of. This entire World is designed to enlighten you, heal you, empower you and dissolve “you” (your ego).
“The sun shines down, and its image reflects in a thousand different pots filled with water. The reflections are many, but they are each reflecting the same sun. Similarly, when we come to know who we truly are, we will see ourselves in all people.” ~Ammachi
Many people wonder, What does an enlightened being understand that other people don’t? Well, they simply see how everything is connected to a cosmic intelligent web of energy, love and information that physically exists in between every atom in this Universe. An exponentially increasing flow of deep inspirational insights happens with every thought which passes through. It is unimaginable, yet the moment you let go of this small limiting identity who you’ve been conditioned to believe is “you”, and dive deeper into trusting this omnipresent intelligence, your inner “light” switches on. You’ll know it because your body becomes deeply relaxed, and your mind becomes supremely empty, soft and receptive to every possible experience that flows your way.
The journey towards enlightenment is a constant celebration of life. Living every moment with the recognition that you are intimately connected to a power that is so great, so intelligent and loving that you wouldn’t trade it for all the diamonds, gold and money on this planet. This living, breathing, highly conscious intelligent energy is all-powerful, and it is always flowing through you. It is around you, instantly available to you, and loves you unconditionally. Enlightenment is fully surrendering to this truth everyday, everywhere you are.
Nothing ever happens by accident in this enlightened Universe. There are no coincidences in the enlightened being’s understanding of life. Even your decision to read this article is not an accident. Every experience is always the “right” experience for that moment in our journey. Life is the perfect teacher. How can an infinitely intelligent Universe ever make a mistake? Every lesson your soul came here to learn is being provided for you through each breath and experience that you are given. Your spiritual path into enlightenment is your path home. The Universe is constantly here guiding you, helping you to remember and re-awaken the realization of your awesome true radiant Self.
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Sending a massive enlightening life transformative experience your way…
Jafree Ozwald
“Give love and unconditional acceptance to those
you encounter, and notice what happens.” ~ Wayne Dyer