I’d Love Your Help

Hey everyone…..

I’ve invited people to submit guest posts before, and that offer is still open….I love hearing what you have to say! Today, I had another idea.  I spend lots of time looking for positive quotes, and finding quotes that speak to me or are meaningful to me.  Now, I’d like to hear from you.  I’d like to hear what your favorite positive quotes are, and why.  And I’d like to incorporate them into the daily positive thought.

This blog isn’t just for me, it’s for everybody, and I’d like to hear what others have to say.  So find a couple of your favorite positive quotes, or quotes that motivate you, and send them along to me at thinkpos30@gmail.com with a few words about why the quote is important to you and I’ll share it on here.  And if you don’t want your name put out there, just use a pseudonym.

Have a great week!