The Journey Through Life

Remember that there is plenty of time to travel another road - and still another - in your journey through life. Life is a journey there is no doubt about it, and usually we have a specific destination in mind.  We even have a time frame in mind.  Our goals are our road map on our journey through life.  But sometimes there are detours on our map.  That's okay!  Detours happen.  Instead of getting stressed out over that detour, just go with it.  You have plenty of time to reach your destination.  Who knows, you may reach your destination, and then set off on another journey, and then another.  Be flexible and go with the flow.  Enjoy the journey to the destination, not just the destination.  

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The Sounds of Silence

I recently had somebody ask me if I’ve abandoned this endeavor.  The answer was and is a resounding NO!  They then asked why I hadn’t updated in almost a year.  That answer was a bit more challenging.  There were and are lots of reasons why I haven’t been writing.   I have a new and far more stressful job.  I’m a single parent of teenagers and the taking two and from to their various activities uses up copious amounts of time.  There was also a major addiction to facebook games, lol.  But I’m doing away with that one!  But the two biggest reasons are pretty basic, and perhaps a little bit selfish.  The first being I wasn’t sure what to write about.  I had some ideas, but there was nothing concrete floating around in my brain.  The second reason, well that’s the really selfish one.  I was kind of thinking that nobody cared and I have to be honest.  I’m the type that thrives on positive feedback and reinforcement.  See, selfish. But today, I was sitting on my couch with the laptop – well on my lap, and I was struck by an epiphany of sorts.  Every Monday thru Friday, I…

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The Road You Choose

Travel the road that you have chosen and don't look back with regret. You have to take chances to make your dreams happen. Finding the road you want to travel can be difficult, but it's important NOT to second guess yourself.  There are those who say that second guessing is second nature but believing in yourself and the choices you make is what should be second nature.  Once you start to believe in yourself and the decisions that you make, you'll probably find that the decision making process gets easier.  And once you start to believe in  yourself and believing in your dreams, you'll start finding ways to make those dreams come true.  Believe in yourself, believe in your decisions and believe in your dreams!  

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Have a Brighter Outlook

Have a brighter outlook on life - open your eyes to the possibilities and move forward toward exciting new directions. Every day, I'm surrounded by people tell me their life sucks and they have no chance of going anywhere or achieving anything.  I'll admit to feeling that way sometimes myself.  But I feel so bad for people who get trapped into that mindset.  There are ALWAYS possibilities.  They may not be the possibilities you want, but there are possibilities.  Open yourself UP to those possibilities, for they can open even more new and exciting possibilities and adventures for you.  You are NOT stuck in that same place or in that same life.  Sometimes you have to ask for help, and sometimes you just have to look around and see the opportunities that life has for you.  Remember today is full of limitless possibilities!

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You are UNIQUE.

Don't ever forget that you are unique. Be your best self and not an imitation of someone else. Imitations - I see it every day where I work, and even with people that I know.  Everybody tries to be just like everybody else.  Being different is scary.  I get it, but being different, being unique is also amazing.  There is nobody else quite like you.  But nobody wants to celebrate their uniqueness.  Instead, people try to dress the same and act the same as everyone around them. When we're teenagers, we're supposed to be finding out who we are, but most teens are doing everything in their power not to find out who they are, but to be like everybody else.  As adults, being unique isn't any easier.  We have to go along to get along, and being different could mean our jobs our friends or even our family. The best thing a person can do is celebrate the unique individual that they are.  Be true to that person inside of you.  Celebrate YOU

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Persistance vs. Luck

Your success will be based upon how persistent you are, not how lucky you are. Was Bill Gates lucky?  Or Donald Trump, or Richard Branson, or even Oprah?  Did any of those people become the successful people that they are because they are lucky? No, I don't think they did.  I think they pushed and tried and never gave up, and most of all, they believed in themselves.  They probably didn't take no for an answer or, if they were faced with what looked like a concrete wall in front of them either found a way to climb over, go underneath or plow straight through. That's the kind of person I want to be.  Don't get me wrong, if my powerball number were to come up, I wouldn't be turning the money down.  But winning the lottery wouldn't make me successful, it would just make me rich.  Finding something I believe in, or something I want, and working at it, and never giving up, that is what would make me successful.

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Learn from your Journey

Take the time to find the route that is right for you. You will learn something valuable from every trip you take, so don't be afraid to make mistakes. I have a GPS, and before the GPS, there was mapquest, but I'd still managed to get lost - frequently!  Getting lost is never a problem for me, it's an adventure.  You never know what you're going to find, a new place to eat, a funky little store or just a really pretty view. Life is like that - sometimes you don't wind up at the destination you were aiming for.  When that happens, you can get all bent out of shape or you can roll with it and see what surprises your detour brings you.

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What we are Today

What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind. Buddha Buddha was very wise, me, not so much.  I had to think about this quote a LOT.  On the surface, I get it who we were makes us who we are and who we are makes us who we're going to be.  But then I got to thinking about the second part - our life is our creation of our mind, and I started getting all scientific and thinking about theoretical physics.  That's when things got scary because I'm not scientific.  But then, I got it. I'm not scientific because I've always said that I'm not scientific.  So maybe in the past, I wasn't very scientific and that made me not scientific today.  I can however start thinking of myself as scientific and I will be scientific, or artistic, or musical, or anything.  So today, right now, I am thinking that I am a positive person, and tomorrow, I will be a positive person because my thoughts today are building who a i am tomorrow.

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Where Do Your Thoughts Take You?

You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. - James Allen That's kind of a scary thought.  I will be tomorrow where my thoughts take me.  So if I'm having a really bad day, and I'm having all sorts of crush, kill, destroy type of thoughts does that mean that tomorrow I'm going to go on a rampage?  No, I don't think so.  I think that if you continually keep having negative thoughts (the crush, kill, destroy thoughts) you will turn into a negative person. So does it mean you can't have negative thoughts?  Again I'm going to go with no.  If you can figure out a way to not have a negative thought again please let me know how you're doing it.  To my way of thinking, we're human beings. We have these emotions, both positive and negative for a reason, and trying to shut one of them off probably isn't a good thing. When you have those negative thoughts - go with them for a second, and examine where they're coming from and why you're having them, and then, try and find something positive within those negative thoughts. …

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Happy Thoughts

Your happy, positive feelings will attract happy, positive circumstances. I'm sitting here wondering what can I say about this that hasn't been said thousands of times before, and I've got nothing. I think we all pretty much GET it. I mean it's not rocket science after all. If you are thinking happy, good positive, thoughts, you're going to attract happy good, positive things to you. But what do you do when your car breaks down and the repair cost is twice what is in your checking account, and the kids need new school supplies and your hours got cut at work? What then? How in the world are you supposed to have all these happy, positive thoughts when your world is basically imploding around you? I'll tell you, it's NOT easy, but it can be done. Try and find even one sliver of good in all that's going wrong. Okay, sure your car broke, but at least you have a car. Sure, buying things for your kids for school is a drain on the budget, but you have healthy, happy kids who are going to school and learning. And maybe your hours are being cut at work but you still…

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