My Own Personal Thoughts and Growth

I was  reading this post over at The Daily Love, and it was like getting hit over the head with an anvil a la Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner.  Parts of it were like reading my own life story.  Think Positive 30 started out on Live Journal.  One of my dear friends and I were kvetching about how miserable our lives were and she commented that she was feeling really negative.  To compensate, she was going to post one positive thought a day in her LJ.  I thought it was an amazing idea and I made a community on Live Journal called Think Positive 30.  I figured there were probably other people that felt that way.  The community was small (very small).  It’s concept was post a positive thought for 30 consecutive days and get in the habit of thinking or finding positive things in your day.  Then we got made a spotlight community on Live Journal and membership EXPLODED.  I used to try and comment on everybody’s posts and be supportive, but when we were spotlighted, it stopped being fun and became hard work. (more…)

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It’s all a Lie

At least that's what I've been feeling like lately.  Every week, I set up the mailing list to send out the Daily Positive Thoughts.  I queue them up on Twitter, and I write the blog posts, and set them up so they also go to our Live Journal Community.  I look for the quotes to use, and I try to keep the website running well as well as make it interesting and easy to navigate.  This was all in an effort to maintain a positive attitude, and hopefully help other people to feel more positive as well.  Right now, I'm starting to think that it's all pointless and the whole be positive, Law of Attraction stuff is just a lie, a big pile of nothingness that was put together in order to make other people money. That's exactly how I was feeling.  I didn't feel like my Daily Positive Thoughts were helping anybody, and they certainly weren't helping me.  To me, they'd become nothing more than a chore.  And as far as the whole Law of Attraction thing went, well it just wasn't happening for me.  I'd done what the books said.  I put my wants and desires out there…

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Visualizing and Goal Setting – The Daily Love

Visualizing and Goal Setting by Tone it up via The Daily Love Last week we talked to you about The Power of Visualization and how you make your dreams come true. We also talked about putting those thoughts into actions by creating your Vision Boards. We have featured a bunch of boards that you all sent to us! See the link below :) We LOVED this challenge and it was so much fun to see all of your goals! Now that you all have your vision boards created, its time to start manifesting! In the past we have been known to ‘wake up on the wrong side of the bed’ and rush into the day without properly preparing our minds. Many of us wake up and instantly start running through a list of ‘to-dos’ and become overwhelmed with stress and anxiety – not an ideal way to start! It takes a lot of mental focus and determination to live freely and have your desired life. Every morning we want you to wake up and take 10 minutes to meditate and visualize. Now that your vision boards are made, it’s easy to be reminded of what your goals are. Make sure…

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The Power of Visualization

The Power of Visualization by  via The Daily Love Hi TDL world!!  We believe in change and that dreams come true!  In last week’s blog we talked about The Power of Visualization and how we believe that you can alter your circumstances through positive thoughts and visualization.  This week we want to challenge you to visualize beyond just your mind and create a vision board! Why a vision board? It helps you set your intention and goals – both long and short term.  It also keeps you accountable and focused! What is a vision board?  Basically it’s a simple poster or bulletin board filled with a collage of images, words and pictures of what goals you have in life.  You can draw the images, tear photos from magazines or find Google images.  For example, we like to fill our board with words that are related to actions that will make our goals successful, become a better friend or daughter, a photo of a medal that will encourage us to train harder, images of places we’d like to travel or adventures we want to tackle and quotes that encourage healthy happy living. Your vision and dreams are endless and it’s…

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The Law of Attraction Hoax pt 1&2

I received this email from Chris Cade and basically, when it comes right down to it, he’s promoting his own stuff – which i don’t have a problem with. You can choose to sign up for his free 7 day mini-course or not, but I did like what he had to say in the emails and wanted to share them here with you.

Part 1

For a while, I’ve been wanting to “get this out of my system.” As such, this may sound a bit like a “rant” and may jar a few peoples’ nerves. On one hand, my intention is not to cause any discontent; on the other hand, if it causes discontent then I’m grateful I’ve given you something deeper to consider.

Actually, almost three years now I would occasionally be reminded about the seeming inconsistency of calling the Law of Attraction a “Law.” If it’s a law like gravity, why does it seem to work for some people and not others?

Some teachers have attempted to reconcile this by saying it has to do with what you believe, both consciously and subconsciously. They suggest that if you were to align both your conscious beliefs and subconscious beliefs with what you want to attract, then you will attract it like magic.

Sounds good doesn’t it?

My intention is not to criticize other approaches to manifestation, but rather, to call into question the inconsistencies. Why is it that the Law of Gravity doesn’t require us to change our subconscious beliefs, but the Law of Attraction does? (more…)

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Have a Brighter Outlook

Have a brighter outlook on life - open your eyes to the possibilities and move forward toward exciting new directions. Every day, I'm surrounded by people tell me their life sucks and they have no chance of going anywhere or achieving anything.  I'll admit to feeling that way sometimes myself.  But I feel so bad for people who get trapped into that mindset.  There are ALWAYS possibilities.  They may not be the possibilities you want, but there are possibilities.  Open yourself UP to those possibilities, for they can open even more new and exciting possibilities and adventures for you.  You are NOT stuck in that same place or in that same life.  Sometimes you have to ask for help, and sometimes you just have to look around and see the opportunities that life has for you.  Remember today is full of limitless possibilities!

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The Right Direction

Whatever way you're going, you're headed in the right direction to reach your dream. Your goals are your goals. Your dreams are your dreams. There is no right or wrong way to reach your goals and achieve your dreams. So why is it that everybody seems to know the best way for us to do everything. We start out with our parents teaching us and telling us what to do and how to do it. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, because we need to learn. Then we head off to school and we have educators telling us what to do and how to do it. Again, not a bad thing. We are also faced with peer pressure and we often find ourselves doing what everyone else is doing the way they are doing it to fit in. Again, this isn't a terrible thing because a little conformity is not a bad thing. From there, we join the workforce and our bosses are telling us what to do and how to do it. When do we get the opportunity to decide what we want to do and how to do it? It's a challenging question without an easy answer. If…

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