
Today's guest post is by Luke Goodwin   GRATITUDE   For me, this is one of the most powerful things that can influence every single area of your life and something that has completely transformed my way of thinking and also the way I conduct myself.   Each day, I utilise something called 'The Miracle Morning' and within this I have added in an exercise called 'priming' by the one and only Tony Robbins. Priming is something that has completely opened my mind, allows me to channel my thoughts, create energy and positivity. While I am doing this priming exercise, which lasts for 14 minutes, there is a part of it that focuses on gratitude, and I cannot put a measurement on how much this has affected me. I didn't drastically notice immediate changes, but they were happening daily, just really small minor changes in my thinking, but over time, when I look back at my journal entries and how I used to conduct myself, I have realised how much, just spending a small amount of time being grateful, has impacted my life. It allows you to see yourself, other people and the world in a completely different light. It…

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You are the Greatest Treasure

You are The Greatest Treasure. by Jafree Ozwald Even after you have received all the fame, fortune and glory that you have been seeking for lifetimes, this ego may still try to continue its habitual search for more, more, more! Why are you still looking for riches outside yourself  when you  are the greatest goldmine in the entire Universe! Yes, you are... So embrace this wonderful sacred truth and allow yourself to discover the greatest treasure is not outside of your body, it is already within you. Keep digging deep into the core essence of ,  and very very soon you will strike it rich! Click Here to Become a Super Manifesting Magnet Now!

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An Enlightened Message for Your Soul

You can choose to be happy right now. by Jafree Ozwald No matter if you are super rich or dirt poor, forever young or old as the Sun, happiness is ALWAYS a choice you can make and a chance you can take, right now! Make up your mind today to explore what being happy FEELS like. Just as an experiment to prove to yourself that you can simply choose it as an experience. When you feel the good vibration you empower yourself with this awesome self loving paradigm. You can see it is tons easier to manifest anything you want, need and desire in life, no matter what happens or does not happen in your outer world. Your life is designed to be a super rich and enlightening journey overflowing with jubilation! Today is your day to explore your your natural ability to make choices which catapult you instantly into living a life of bliss! Click Here to Become a Super Manifesting Magnet Now!     Save Save Save

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What Follows YOUR I Am?

I just read an amazing article at - here is a brief snippit of it and a link to the complete article - it's really good, I suggest you check it out, and more importantly - change your I Am statements. Whatever Follows Your "I AM" Is What You Attract Into Your Life by RJ Banks It's all about the law of attraction. Do any of these statements sound familiar? "I'm so broke." "I'm so tired." "I'm so stupid," And the list goes on... Whether you know it or not, or like it or not, you're reciting affirmations for your subconscious mind to program your beliefs about yourself and your life. Unfortunately, negative affirmations are just as effective in our lives as positive affirmations.......  Continue reading HERE

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Become a Super Manifestor

Are you ready to stop working sooooo hard to pay your bills each month and learn how to manifest true financial freedom in your life? My friend Jafree, founder and creator of the Enlightened Beings web portal has discovered the the proven steps and secrets for manifesting anything and everything that you desire. He has put together an online Super Manifesting Program that is 100% guaranteed to dramatically improve your manifesting abilities in 90 days or less! Already there have been tens of thousands of people from 65+ countries around the world who have experienced Extraordinary Real Life Results simply from following his simple manifesting technology. It truly is amazing and works every time with everyone who does it. We know you'll be joyfully surprised with the many positive results you'll receive... Click Here to Instantly Download Everything INSIDE Jafree's Super Manifesting Program Now! Enjoy the journey!

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A Special Offer from Lissa Coffey

Hey everyone, I wanted to share a really generous offer from my friend Lissa Coffey Do you look into the mirror and wish you could see a more appealing version of you? Have you ever wanted to be that dynamic personality whose very presence radiates positivity and attracts more love and respect? Do you feel you’ve lost the connection with your partner in daily bickering and the sense of ‘not being understood’? Do you feel that at the end of the day, you are so drained out and stressed, that you have no energy or space in your life for yourself? Do you want to drain away the rest of your life like that too? Are you seriously still thinking about the ideal life that you should be living? Stop thinking now and do something about it! Whoever made you think that a healthy, perfect, happy life, full of positivity is difficult, probably wasn't lucky enough to come across the right way to get out of his own problems! NO- heavy exercise regime NO- crash diets NO- pills/artificial stimulants NO- medication/complex procedures NO- Difficult to reach ‘Ashrams’ or expensive Spa Centers NO- Extra Expense, in fact, it will help you…

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Don’t Worry Be Happy

by Chris Cade   Easier said than done, right? Well a while back week on Facebook, I saw a really interesting picture titled "Don't Worry, Be Happy." It got me to wondering: Could it really be that simple to stop worrying? Just look at a picture and make worries go away? Probably not that simple. However, the premise was solid. I knew this to be true for me because it was a visual representation of a technique I've used for years to minimize worrying. After you've looked at it, I'd like to briefly expand on the real essence of what it's saying... ................ ............. .......... ........ ..... .. . Okay, now that you've seen the picture let's explore a little bit further. :) At its essence, the picture is showing us that worry doesn't actually help us. It suggests that there's absolutely no situation in life that is improved simply by worrying. If you really reflect on this, I think you'll find it to be true in your own life. I know I have in mine. Still, when life is really difficult it can feel almost impossible not to worry. In fact, I worry every day and it's not even…

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Taking Control of My Life

So Life has spun a little bit out of control for me lately.  I'm a single  parent of 2, count them, 2 high school seniors.  Between all their activities, academics, and the all encompassing college application process, as well as all the things I have on my own plate, it's safe to say that my life has spun completely and totally out of control.  I'm overwhelmed and I don't know how to fix it.  Last night was particularly bad for a variety of reasons, and I started out my Monday wondering if I was even going to survive this year, and if I did, would it be worth it. Well this morning, I had an a blog post to read in my google reader - actually, we won't even begin to discuss the amount of blog posts because I didn't check them at all over the weekend.  However, one post from Marc and Angel Hack Life - Practical Tips for Productive Living .  The post was called 12 Unconventional Habits of Highly Productive People.  I was going to just ignore it because I don't want to be highly productive - at this point, I'll settle for keeping my head above…

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Beyond Our Illusions – Review and Contest

Beyond Our Illusions The key to using Universal Laws to transform your life.   Beyond Our Illusions is penned by Deborah Sless a practicing psychotherapist in the UK.  When I was first approached to write this review I was excited.  Then when I started reading the book, I’ll admit, I was a bit dismayed because there was a bit too much “psychobabble” for me.  But that “psychobabble” lays a strong foundation for self-evaluation necessary to use the Universal Laws to start transforming your life.  I was afraid that for this to be successful, it would need to be paired with psychotherapy, and happily, I was wrong.  Sless walks you through what you need to know in order to start on a journey of self-exploration and growth. The book is broken up in to twelve chapters easy to read and understand chapters with clear and concise explanations, examples and exercises that work together to bring us to a greater understanding of the Universal Laws. Each chapter in this book gives you the opportunity to take a look at who you are and how you became that way.  It is at times disconcerting, but necessary to look so honestly at yourself.  It…


Beyond Our Illusions – contest

Beyond Our Illusions The key to using Universal Laws to transform your life - by Deborah Sless Hi Everyone - big news.  I have been asked to  review Beyond our Illusions:  The key to using Universal Laws to transform your life by Deborah Sless.  The book is phenomenal, and I'm on my second reading before I begin writing my review. The publishers of Beyond Our Illusions have been generous enough to donate several copies for me to give away.  When I post the review, you will be invited to comment and share why you want to receive a copy, AND you will be invited to submit your own review, and/or write a guest post on Think Positive 30.  Winners will be chosen at random from all the comments posted. From the book jacket: Despite following the advice of a wealth of bestselling self-help books, most of us are still no closer to understanding the fundamental laws and principles that govern the universe, our interactions within it and our ability to achieve success, health, wealth and happiness. Have you ever wondered why the Law of Attraction isn't working for you? There is a very rational reason why. Quite simply, the Universal…