How to Solve Your Problems Pt 2 – Chris Cade

Last week I shared with you my perspectives on "How to Solve Your Problems," and I received some interesting feedback and questions. If you haven't yet had a chance to read that email, click here to read it on my blog. Today I thought I'd share how one of those interactions went on Facebook. Annette wrote... "What if the person or persons are toxic, blames everything on you, or is always criticising you (dumb, never be good for anything) or blaming (my problems are yours because you won't fix them or give me $). Is my perception of that wrong? If I view it differently what will happen? What about verbal abuse?" Those are interesting questions. Because we all are unique individuals with unique experiences, only you will know the real answers to those questions in your own life if you are able to completely view it differently (including both conscious and subconscious beliefs). One thing I have observed in my own experience... As I change, the relationships I have with others changes as well. Other people respond differently to my deeper sense of Strength, Courage, Willpower, Peace, Presence, Joy, Authenticity, and other qualities. Some people are melted by the…

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It’s Time to Stop Giving – Chris Cade

by Chris Cade In my previous email (which you can click here to read), I shared that there's a new way to go beyond the "getting" and "giving" paradigm and into a new way of engaging with the world. In short, "giving" inherently suggests an experience of separation. "I have this. I give it to you. Now you have it. I don't." If you give away a dollar, you no longer have it yourself. The dollar is separated from you and joined with another person, so to speak. In the case of emotions like love, it seems less obvious that this is what happens. In fact, some great authors and speakers have commented how love is the only thing that when we give it away, we actually have more of it. In theory that's great. I love the principle. In reality, it still subconsciously encourages separation. It presumes at the basic level, "I have love and you don't." (or don't have enough of it) Perhaps I'm an idealist, but I believe we all have love within us. Sure we may be blocked from experiencing that love in its fullest unconditioned state. Decades of history, pain, and conditioning will block it…

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Being Stuck

I don't know if you've noticed a lack of blog posts this week.  There are several reasons for that.  I've been very busy with the start of the new school year,I've been sick,  and I've also been a bit down. I know, I know, I'm all about thinking positive, and lifting yourself up when your down.  I have tons of different strategies to help lift my mood.  I did them - and they helped - to an extent.  But when my mood didn't lift as much as i would like, I realized it was time for some deeper soul searching.  So search I did.  I didn't necessarily like the results of my search, but that's another story. I think, deep down, I knew it was time to make some changes in my life.  Changes that I didn't necessarily want to make, and changes that quite frankly scared me - hence the down in the dumps.  :) Why am I telling you this?  To help you realize that sometimes there are down times, and they usually happen for a reason.  So when you hit one of those down in the dumps times in your life, do your best to get yourself…

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Navigating your Ship

Navigating your ship Taking the easy way out is, well, easy. Human beings naturally stick with their normal routines because they offer feelings of security. But by staying in the same routine, you miss out on new opportunities. In 1975, a third-year student at Harvard University decided to drop out and pursue something else. The student's name was Bill Gates. He saw an opportunity and took the risk. While this doesn't mean that every dream will transform you into a billionaire, it shows that some of world's geniuses took chances to follow their dreams. If you are waiting around for your goals to just fall into your lap, it could take awhile. But your goals are achievable--if you're willing to break from the norm and cast your ship down uncharted waters.

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Triangles of Inner Happiness and Outer Distraction – Chris Cade

by Chris Cade 24 hours in the day. Doesn't seem like much does it? Doctors recommend 8 hours of sleep. So we're down to 16 hours a day. Most mortals spend at least 3 hours a day buying, preparing and eating food. 13 hours left. And if you work 9-5... that leaves 5 hours. Five hours isn't bad. Sadly, there are probably many people in the world who'd cut off a finger for ONE hour a day of free time. They'd give their whole hand for five hours. In five hours, you can easily improve the three corners of the Triangle of Inner Happiness... Develop your body Optimize your mind Progress spiritually ...and still have two hours left over for sanding the corners on Triangle of Outer Distraction... TV shows and novels Facebook and Twitter Conversation and socializing Thing is... most people spend all five hours being distracted. Life is way too short for too many distractions... Am I saying you should cancel your internet connection? Should grab some pork and beans move out to cabin in Northern Alaska? No. Nothing wrong with technology. Nothing wrong with people. It's really a matter of what are you doing with people. Are…

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My Own Personal Thoughts and Growth

I was  reading this post over at The Daily Love, and it was like getting hit over the head with an anvil a la Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner.  Parts of it were like reading my own life story.  Think Positive 30 started out on Live Journal.  One of my dear friends and I were kvetching about how miserable our lives were and she commented that she was feeling really negative.  To compensate, she was going to post one positive thought a day in her LJ.  I thought it was an amazing idea and I made a community on Live Journal called Think Positive 30.  I figured there were probably other people that felt that way.  The community was small (very small).  It’s concept was post a positive thought for 30 consecutive days and get in the habit of thinking or finding positive things in your day.  Then we got made a spotlight community on Live Journal and membership EXPLODED.  I used to try and comment on everybody’s posts and be supportive, but when we were spotlighted, it stopped being fun and became hard work. (more…)

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The Choices You Make

Right now you are one choice away from a new beginning, one that leads you toward becoming the fullest human being you can be. -Oprah Winfrey One of my favorite poems is Robert Frost's The Road not Taken because its all about choices.  Every choice we make, every decision impacts our lives in countless ways.  Possibly even in ways we don't know.   It's kind of amazing when you think about it.  The choice you made today to have the corn flakes instead of the oatmeal could have a lasting impact on your life.  Every choice you make impacts the  person that you are and the kind of person you will be in the future.  Make the choices that will help you to become a stronger, kinder, more compassionate person.  Who knows, the choices you make could be impacting the choices others make and help them to make better decisions, and those people could be effecting the decisions of others...the implications are far reaching, so choose wisely.

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It’s all a Lie

At least that's what I've been feeling like lately.  Every week, I set up the mailing list to send out the Daily Positive Thoughts.  I queue them up on Twitter, and I write the blog posts, and set them up so they also go to our Live Journal Community.  I look for the quotes to use, and I try to keep the website running well as well as make it interesting and easy to navigate.  This was all in an effort to maintain a positive attitude, and hopefully help other people to feel more positive as well.  Right now, I'm starting to think that it's all pointless and the whole be positive, Law of Attraction stuff is just a lie, a big pile of nothingness that was put together in order to make other people money. That's exactly how I was feeling.  I didn't feel like my Daily Positive Thoughts were helping anybody, and they certainly weren't helping me.  To me, they'd become nothing more than a chore.  And as far as the whole Law of Attraction thing went, well it just wasn't happening for me.  I'd done what the books said.  I put my wants and desires out there…

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Positivity in the Grocery Store

I really need to share this with all of you.  Last night, I was in the grocery store, and I was NOT happy about it.  It was late, and I had been ready for bed when I realized that there was not enough milk for morning.  Plus, I wanted nothing more than to go upstairs and watch Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals.  But I'm a mum, and so I did what I had to do, which was getting dressed and driving to the store. The Bruins scored a goal on my way to the store, so my mood had improved somewhat, but yeah, i was still quite cranky.  I was going through the self scan checkout when a gentleman went into the next checkout and I heard the cashier ask "How are you tonight?"  Her question was typical, his response,  was not only untypical, it rocked me to my very core.  "I'm excellent!" he replied.  "And why not, because the alternative isn't worth it!" The alternative isn't worth it.....being unexcellent, being in a bad mood, being miserable and unhappy.  It...just...isn'  Talk about a wake up call, and a swift boot in the pants all at once.  Why was…

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The Road You Choose

Travel the road that you have chosen and don't look back with regret. You have to take chances to make your dreams happen. Finding the road you want to travel can be difficult, but it's important NOT to second guess yourself.  There are those who say that second guessing is second nature but believing in yourself and the choices you make is what should be second nature.  Once you start to believe in yourself and the decisions that you make, you'll probably find that the decision making process gets easier.  And once you start to believe in  yourself and believing in your dreams, you'll start finding ways to make those dreams come true.  Believe in yourself, believe in your decisions and believe in your dreams!  

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