Pay it Forward – Teaching your Children Kindness and Compassion

Awesome guest post from Erin at Gravity Life Coaching     Try out this free workbook!  Create AWESOME behavior in Children in 4 Steps!   I've always enjoyed giving to others, but I never understood the significance of it.  If there was one quality I wanted my children to have, it was kindness and compassion.  It's difficult to truly know if you're teaching it, when your so caught up in the chaos of daily life. Chores, work, chores, kids fighting, seems that there's not a lot of time to embrace the simple things, teach them values and be pro-active as a parent.  Sometimes we are doing these things, but just don't realize it until we see evidence of it, which I recently did.   I've been making more of an effort to give and donate.  I have always donated my time and energy, but rarely have I donated money.  I've always found excuses, that I just don't have enough or that I have too many things to provide for my own children.  What I've recently discovered is that when you feel restricted in your giving, the money is restricted in coming to you.  If you make an effort to live…

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7 Steps to INCREASE Your Money Flow

Today we have another awesome guest post from Erin Dickson of Gravity Life Coaching     Do you feel frustrated with your current financial situation and are looking to change it, but just don't know how?    When you grow up with certain ideas about money, you tend to internalize them and this actually blocks your flow of money, without even realizing it.  These ideas could be that there is a ceiling on how much money you can make, "money doesn't grow on trees", you have to work very hard just to get by or that money makes you happy or sad.    When you hold onto that mindset about money, you are blocking the flow of the money coming to you.  So how do you change it?   1.  Identify what your beliefs about money are. What ideas did you inherit about money from your parents?  Are you still holding onto these ideas?  How are they stopping you from meeting your full potential?   Listen to your own inner statements about money.  Give yourself 2 days to really listen to how you think about and talk about money.  What things do you find yourself saying?   Action Step:  Determine what…

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2 Questions that will Change Your Life

Today's guest post was written by Erin Dickson an amazing life coach. 2 Questions That Will Change Your Life... Erin Dickson Gravity Life Coaching       When I was a few years out of college and stuck in a dead-end job – I was contemplating going back to graduate school to be a Guidance Counselor.  I knew I wanted to be a Guidance Counselor, but the process of getting there was a bit overwhelming.    I was living in an apartment by myself, working 2 jobs and discovered that I would need to do a 600-hour unpaid internship.  It was so overwhelming to look at the big picture -  because all I could think about was what could go wrong.  How could I possibly take a 6 month long unpaid full-time internship while paying rent?    That’s the question I was living in and that’s the question that stopped me from moving forward for so long.   When I was finally able to start living in a different question, I discovered how to move forward.  I wanted it to be a possibility, I wanted to make it happen and I knew that others made it happen.  If others made…

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