What’s Meant to be Yours Will Come to You

I just read the most amazing article on Thought Catalog by Marisa Donnelly.  It's called What's Meant to be Will Come to You. I am a fighter. I fight time. I fight God’s plan. I fight things that don’t make sense to me right away. I fight back against whatever doesn’t sit right. Because I get scared when things don’t fall perfectly into place. I get nervous when I don’t hear God’s voice whispering to me. I get anxious when I can’t take matters into my own hands, have them make sense. But how often do we fight a losing battle? How often do we push back against a world that isn’t quite ready to share with us what we desire it to? How many times have we tried to rush, push, make things go our way? And how many of those times have we failed? What I’ve learned, over and over again, is that what’s supposed to be mine will come, what’s meant to be will fall into place, what’s right will feel right and I won’t have to force it...... read the rest of the article here at Thought Catalog It's an excellent read, and I urge you…

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Well Color Me….Worth It

originally posted from Well Color Me I have spent a lot of time (most of my life) thinking that I wasn't important. I didn't matter, and I wasn't worth anything. I didn't grow up on an abusive or neglectful household, I wasn't berated during my formative years. I don't know how it happened, but I always felt like I didn't matter, and I wasn't worth it. I've always felt alone. I have serious issues where I don't ever see why anybody would ever want to be my friend, and I always assume that people think the worst of me. Suffice to say my self-esteem is down around my ankles. It may even be under my feet and burrowing itself down into the ground. But lately, I've been doing some thinking. I'm not trying to figure out why I feel this way, but I'm trying to think of ways to NOT feel this way. I read lots of self-help stuff and they give me all sorts of different things to try, and they do, but they don't work. At least they don't work for me. I think it's because they're not my ideas. They're not organic to me. Here's the thing,…

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It was a Speed Bump of Epic Proportions

Tuesday Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.– William James So I took a couple of unscheduled days off this week. I got hit with some crappy news, that threw me for a loop, and I needed time to regroup and come to terms with it.  It was a speed bump of epic proportions. What's interesting is the quotes for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday ALL work with this post, so I'm going to use them all! Wednesday You have three choices in life: give up, give in, or give it all you’ve got! - Unknown If I had done what certain people had wanted, I would have tucked my proverbial tail between my legs, packed my bags and moved on.  That's what other people wanted, but it's not what I wanted.  I decided to fight for what I wanted, and fight hard.  It's going to be an uphill battle, but I'm going to give it all I've got. Thursday You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give.…

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Who I Am

Just a little bit of a different post because school closed early due to a snow storm :)  I've been doing this for almost 9 years now, and I've share a little bit about myself, but if you want to get a better insight into who I am, please feel free to check out my personal blog, Well Color Me... It's my ramblings on the world in general and my life in particular.

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Life Got Crazy for a While

So my week got a little crazy at work, and it spilled over into my out of work life.  When that happens, something has to give (or in my case several somethings) and one of those things was my blog posts for the rest of the week.  I apologize, but as the saying goes, s*** happens.  But looking at the quotes I didn't get to blog about, I kind of realized that they sum up my week perfectly.  Wednesday was a crazy day with school wide PSAT's for the sophomores and some of the juniors.  This disrupted the schedule for the rest of the school as well as class placement.  Basically, it was a fly by the seat of your pants kind of day.  We did what we could with what we could with what we had, which wasn't a lot.  A lot of the crazy spilled over into the next day and a lot of time was spent picking up the pieces of the crazy day before.  For me anyhow, I didn't believe in the power of anything.  I was hanging on by a thread, but I made it through and figured the next day would be smooth sailing. …

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Celebrate Your Life

Celebrate your Life by Jafree Ozwald This life that you have been given is a very sacred thing, and there are sooo many wonderful reasons to celebrate it! The best reason is you are the co-creator and main manifestor of it all! Yes, your thoughts are designing your reality in each millisecond. So think about what you WANT and stop thinking about what you don't want. Let yourself play, dance, sing, and enjoy being alive today! You can just scream out a BIG YES to yourself because YOU are THE party.  That's right. Without you, there is no main attraction. No matter what those doubting limiting thoughts may say, always remember this one little fact. The more often you can celebrate every precious day of your life, the bigger the "welcome home" party you'll have in the end. Get ready to let it ALL hang out, the real FUN is just starting. Click Here to Become a Super Manifesting Magnet Now!

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