In order for any of this to make any sense at all, you’re going to need a little back story. It really all starts with a television program that was on the air about ten years ago. It wasn’t a hit show, it wasn’t critically acclaimed, but what it did do was introduce me to some of the most wonderful people I have ever known.
The first season this show was on the air, I quickly became enamored of it, and turned to the new toy in my house, the internet, to find other people who also liked this show. I did, and it was quite possibly the smartest thing I’ve ever done. I “met,” online, a group of people who have become an integral part of my life. We’ve been there for each other through marriages and divorces, births and deaths and everything else that goes along with life. Some of us have met in person, some are just a name on a computer screen, but all of us are friends.