Manifesting What you REALLY Want! – The Secret BEHIND The Secret

It's not too often that I can actually say I am blown away by a video I watched online, but this really impressed me: --> Check them out here Like many of you, I have been struggling for years to make the Law of Attraction work for me, not knowing that I was actually going about using it THE WRONG WAY! You see, the key to using the Law of Attraction, and being able to manifest what you want and desire, is the proper use of visualization. The fact is, many people can't properly visualize and create an emotional connection to what they are seeing. All that has now changed thanks to “Abundant Mind” Abundant Mind is being called "The Netflix of Subliminal Manifestation" because it contains a massive library of powerful, full motion, high resolution visualization videos that can be streamed on any internet connected device. Unlike the visualization videos that already exist on the market, these are vastly superior because they use FIVE scientifically proven subconscious altering techniques. By using full motion themed video (not still images), a special audio track, affirmations, subliminal messages and binaural beats, these videos will completely change how you visualize and respond emotionally…

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An Enlightened Message for Your Soul

You can choose to be happy right now. by Jafree Ozwald No matter if you are super rich or dirt poor, forever young or old as the Sun, happiness is ALWAYS a choice you can make and a chance you can take, right now! Make up your mind today to explore what being happy FEELS like. Just as an experiment to prove to yourself that you can simply choose it as an experience. When you feel the good vibration you empower yourself with this awesome self loving paradigm. You can see it is tons easier to manifest anything you want, need and desire in life, no matter what happens or does not happen in your outer world. Your life is designed to be a super rich and enlightening journey overflowing with jubilation! Today is your day to explore your your natural ability to make choices which catapult you instantly into living a life of bliss! Click Here to Become a Super Manifesting Magnet Now!     Save Save Save

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The Secret of Deliberate Creation

Have you ever wondered why the Law of Attraction isn't working well for you?  You've watched the video, you've read the book, in fact you've read many books and still you struggle.  It's an exercise in frustration.  You're living in default mode instead of design mode.  You're conditioned to have low, or even empty expectations, but you cannot achieve success by slapping positive thoughts on top of empty expectations.  Trust me, I know.  I was banging my head against the wall.  I'm Joe positive...I'm always thinking positive and looking for the good everywhere and in everything.  But then I learned about The Secret of Deliberate Creation.  Dr. Robert Anthony breaks it all down and helps you to work through the roadblocks that are sabotaging your success.  If you want to learn more about this fantastic program, Click Here!  Give yourself permission to TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE, and start manifesting your heart's desire.

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Why Positive Thinking Alone Doesn’t Manifest Wealth

Hi This might sound controversial to some people, but remember, I’ve spent half a lifetime surrounded by people who have achieved great success (financial included), so I know what I’m talking about here…   Positive thinking is NOT enough to bring you wealth.   No matter what other self-help experts out there tell you, it is NOT enough.   Positive Thinking by itself = Future disappointment   What you need is…   Positive Thinking + Skills/Mindset + Action = Great wealth   Here’s how to become a complete and total MAGNET for money…   ==> The REAL secret to Total Money Magnetism   If you want to become wealthy then you need to learn how to reprogram your mind to THINK like a millionaire.   Society has programmed so many incorrect thoughts about how money works that it takes a lot more than just positive thinking for you to become a magnet for it.   But… If you’re willing to change your way of thinking…   If you’re willing to forget the well meaning advice from your friends, family, school teachers, and so forth…   …If you’re willing to implant the brain of a millionaire into your head… Then follow…

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What Follows YOUR I Am?

I just read an amazing article at - here is a brief snippit of it and a link to the complete article - it's really good, I suggest you check it out, and more importantly - change your I Am statements. Whatever Follows Your "I AM" Is What You Attract Into Your Life by RJ Banks It's all about the law of attraction. Do any of these statements sound familiar? "I'm so broke." "I'm so tired." "I'm so stupid," And the list goes on... Whether you know it or not, or like it or not, you're reciting affirmations for your subconscious mind to program your beliefs about yourself and your life. Unfortunately, negative affirmations are just as effective in our lives as positive affirmations.......  Continue reading HERE

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Effortlessly Manifest Your Desires

Learn How to Effortlessly Manifest your Desires with Manifesting Mantras! Learn How to Awaken Your Natural Manifesting Abilities with Magical Manifesting Mantras! Written by Jafree Ozwald "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world." ~Buddha Using a Manifesting Mantra Meditation every day is a powerful way to enlighten your mind, inspire your life, and boost your natural manifesting abilities. Simply by repeating and feeling the energy inside these manifesting mantras, you will retrain your brain to stay on the track to success. You may have noticed that the mind tends to wander into thoughts and experiences that no longer serve you. When you're implanting your mind with powerful Manifesting Mantras, you feel stronger and more powerful each day. The more you use the mantra the deeper the new programming spreads into your life! Perhaps you're wondering...  "Exactly, what is a manifesting mantra and how is it different than positive affirmations or regular mantras"?  Good question! A manifesting mantra is like a positive affirmation, yet with a barrel of rocket fuel behind it.  A manifesting mantra is a unique type of affirmation because it's job is to transport you…

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The 12 Day Money Manifesting Money Magnet E-Course

This FREE online experience will inspire, enlighten and heal your relationship with money so that you can effortlessly attract financial abundance into your life! True story... Learn How to Win the Lottery with Visualization!! She wrote the figure "$112 million" constantly, slept with the number under her pillow for weeks, meditated on it, and imagined how excited she would be once the money finally came into her life. After four months of obsessive focus she stopped and let go. And it did. In May 2007, Stafford won $112 million in California's Mega Millions lottery. Benefits from Taking The 12 Day Manifesting Money Magnet Ecourse Secrets to Become a Powerful Money Magnet! Dramatically Increase your Financial Frequency Secrets to Become a Powerful Money Magnet! Empower and Liberate your Relationship with Money Secrets to Become a Powerful Money Magnet! Learn 12 Manifesting Secrets that will turn you into a Money Magnet Secrets to Become a Powerful Money Magnet! Feel what's it like to step into the mind of a real Billionaire Secrets to Become a Powerful Money Magnet! Experience the sensations of being totally abundant and financially free Secrets to Become a Powerful Money Magnet! Receive direction and clarity about your life…

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Awaken to YOUR Divine, Infinite Nature

It's a new year and the possibilities for all of us are endless - but are you tapping into your manifesting potential?  Or are you manifesting, but not fast enough?  It's something a lot of people struggle with, myself included.  But thanks to my friend Jafree I'm learning to tap into my manifesting potential, and the results have been staggering! And Jafree is SOOOOO generous that he is willing to share those secrets with you! nstantly Increase your Manifesting Abilities absolutely FREE! Click here and get free access to Jafree's secrets.  Here's what you'll get: You'll receive the 3 Secrets to Manifesting Video, the 1st Chapter of my life changing Manifesting Manual, 2 powerful Manifesting Meditations on MP3 Audio, and Life Transforming Enlightenment Emails... all for FREE!

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Become a Super Manifestor

Are you ready to stop working sooooo hard to pay your bills each month and learn how to manifest true financial freedom in your life? My friend Jafree, founder and creator of the Enlightened Beings web portal has discovered the the proven steps and secrets for manifesting anything and everything that you desire. He has put together an online Super Manifesting Program that is 100% guaranteed to dramatically improve your manifesting abilities in 90 days or less! Already there have been tens of thousands of people from 65+ countries around the world who have experienced Extraordinary Real Life Results simply from following his simple manifesting technology. It truly is amazing and works every time with everyone who does it. We know you'll be joyfully surprised with the many positive results you'll receive... Click Here to Instantly Download Everything INSIDE Jafree's Super Manifesting Program Now! Enjoy the journey!

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