The Benefits of Yoga and Thinking Positive

Hi Everyone, I'm looking for opinions here.  As you know, I'm always looking for ways to think positive and improve my mental health.  I am also looking for ways to improve my physical health.  I've been looking at yoga as a way to combine these two things.  Do any of you practice yoga, and do you think these two things will work together.  Please share your thoughts, opinions and information in the comment section.  I'd LOVE to hear what you think.

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On Being Positive

I love the first of the year.  Facebook is full of bright and shiny resolutions and positive thoughts and posts.  There are positivity groups popping up all over the place.  It's nice to see.  Really it is.  It will be interesting to re-evaluate in March and see how active those groups are and read the posts of people to see just how positive they are. I'm not being critical or judgmental.  I really hope that the trends lasts all year and it becomes a habit for everyone.  What I'd like to see, instead of all the cat memes and what decade are you quizzes are positivity memes. Maybe it's something we can work on together.

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I resolve…

Not to make any resolutions for 2015.  I never ever follow through,  so why set myself up for failure? I'd like to say that I resolve to lose 100 pounds, eat healthier, blog every day, keep on top of paperwork at work, and finish my novel.  I'd like to say that I resolve to be a better person, to volunteer more and to help those who are less fortunate than I.  I'd like to say that I resolve to only think positive, to find the bright side, and to believe in myself at all times. However, as I said, I never follow through with my resolutions.  What I am going to do is to TRY to be a better person, and most importantly, I am not going to beat myself up if I don't do these things. I'm not perfect, I'm a work in progress, and I hope I keep progressing in the right direction.

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Figuring it Out

No cheerful quote today, no inspirational post, just some thoughts.  Many years ago, well just over 6, a wonderful friend and I were talking about how blah our lives were.  She had made a decision to post one positive thought a day in her live journal for a month.  I decided to take it one step further and create a live journal community called Think Positive 30. For a while, it was really cool. We were posting, and then Live Journal made us a spotlight community and the community EXPLODED. People were posting left and right. It was great, but a bit overwhelming because I was determined to respond to every post. From there came a very poor website with very little content. Over time, content was added and deleted and the website got a little more organized thanks to Wordpress. I also added a mailing list which allowed people to receive a "Daily Positive Thought" via email. It was quite nice. There were a few people on the mailing list, and I got up every morning and emailed the thought via a free program provided by my web host called PHPList. The list started growing, and while this was…


Walk the Walk and Talk the Talk

Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.~ St. Francis of Assisi I was going to blog about this quote, because honestly, it's a great quote.  If you break the impossible down into smaller chunks and start with what you can do, you'll find that the impossible becomes possible. That's what I WAS going to blog about, but instead I'm going to talk about life.  Life and how it seems so incredibly overwhelming and how incredibly difficult it can be to remain positive when you're faced with the everyday frustrations that seem to crop up with annoying regularity. I'm going through such a period right now, and if I'm not going to talk the talk and walk the walk, how can I, in good conscience, expect others to do it?  I actually posted on my personal twitter acount that i was jumping off the positivity train and and climbing on the life sucks bus.  This is NOT the attitude of a positive person by any stretch of the imagination.  I'd like to say it was a momentary aberration, but the mood has persisted for a couple of days. This is where the opportunity…

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The Importance of Self Belief – Ian Lock

Please enjoy this guest post from author Ian Lock IAN LOCK on the importance of Self Belief...   How can self belief help you to be Extraordinary?   As we move into 2013, I find myself thinking a lot about the power of self belief. Our self belief impacts upon everything that we are and everything that we do. People with true self belief can go anywhere and do anything. People with false self belief, or bravado, often just pretend they can.   Can you remember a time when you truly believed in yourself, felt good about who you were and what you could do? A time when you felt really positive? Even if it was only for a brief moment, can you remember how you felt and what you believed?   For me one of those times was when my daughter, Imogen, was born. I remember standing in the hospital room at around 2.30 am holding this precious little bundle in my arms and looking out across the skyline. I had an enormous sense of well being and purpose. I felt ready to face into the rest of my life and create possibilities for me and my family. I…

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She Gave Me the Finger, I Gave Her My Heart – Chris Cade

Though that may sound like like the name of a really bad country song, I assure you I haven't switched vocations to become a musician. :) See, the other day I was taking my son to preschool and I had an "interaction" with a driver. There is a highway interchange that was designed very poorly and has great potential for accidents. All the people in the left lane have to get over to the right lane (which turns very quickly), and all the people coming from the right lane (which is a curve) have to get over into the left lane. To compound the issue, those going from right to left have a metering light that brings traffic to a stop. During rush hour, it's a dangerous intersection. I was in the left lane, another woman in the right. I kindly slowed so that she'd be able to get into the lane in front of me. Then I'd be able to switch to the right. Unfortunately, she decided to also slow at the same time. We both came to an almost complete stop in the middle of traffic because within the 1 second we saw each other, we couldn't agree on…

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Four Simple Steps to Success

by Chris cade That may sound overly simplistic, but it's true. Just four simple steps will guarantee success in any aspect of life. All you have to do is... Know what you really want (your goals) Take action towards your goals Notice what results you're getting Correct your course whenever you notice things are not working Of course like any great spiritual truth, knowing the steps is easy. Living them... not so much. For example: How do you figure out what you really want? And what if you're finding it difficult to take action? Or even worse, taking the wrong kinds of actions towards your goals? My personal experience is that the above steps correlate with very specific aspects of our development. Knowing your desires comes from self awareness Taking action happens naturally when self-sabotaging subconscious blockages have been removed Noticing results comes again from self awareness Correcting course happens naturally when self-sabotaging subconscious blockages have been removed In other words, you can sum up success into two basic principles: Cultivate self-awareness and remove subconscious blockages that cause you to sabotage your own best-efforts.  

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The Lie About Positive Thinking – Chris Cade

by Chris Cade You've heard it all before... "Think more positively and you'll get what you want. Visualize, affirm, and manifestation will happen effortlessly. Oh and be sure to overcome those pesky limiting beliefs! Affirmations, gratitude, and positive thinking will cover that one for you. Life is easy if you just think positively enough!" I have one word to say about that kind of positive thinking... LIE. Delusional. Misleading. Uninformed. Detrimental. Okay, so by the time my subconscious was done ranting I discovered I had more than just one word. :) That's not to say positive thinking is bad. It's fundamentally important to living a happy, fulfilled, engaged life. However, the lie and myth is that positive thinking is all that's needed. The reality is that we have difficult and painful emotions for a reason. They arise out of a self-protective compassionate need to SERVE our selves more effectively. Like physical pain, emotional pain is a compass that helps us see when things aren't quite working right inside ourselves. When we ignore physical pain or mask it over with overmedication, our body degenerates and ultimately finds more pain (not less). The same is true when we use Positive Thinking as a form of "overmedication"…

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What is Helplessness – Chris Cade

Chris Cade Nobody likes to feel helpless. It is probably most frequently avoided human emotion. People push themselves beyond their limits as well as fall into deep depression just to avoid feeling helpless. The thing about it is this... Helplessness, like all other difficult emotions, is a gateway to deeper wisdom and greater inner freedom. Sure it may not seem like that. After all, we try to avoid it! But it's only when we stop avoiding our feelings of helplessness that we can discover those inner gifts contained within. Here's how I define (REFRAME) helplessness: "Helplessness is a sign that your Inner Critic believes you 'should' do more than the Universe needs you to do in a particular situation." Your Partner In Transformation, Chris Cade Liberate Your Life P.S. I thought about explaining the idea above, but I decided not to. Instead, I figure it's best to let you explore it for yourself... even if part of that exploration includes the possibility that you might feel helpless. If you would like to take the next step with Chris, sign up sign up for his Free "Getting Things Changed" 7-part mini-program that exposes the inner and outer obstacles conspiring against your best efforts…

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