What’s Meant to be Yours Will Come to You

I just read the most amazing article on Thought Catalog by Marisa Donnelly.  It's called What's Meant to be Will Come to You. I am a fighter. I fight time. I fight God’s plan. I fight things that don’t make sense to me right away. I fight back against whatever doesn’t sit right. Because I get scared when things don’t fall perfectly into place. I get nervous when I don’t hear God’s voice whispering to me. I get anxious when I can’t take matters into my own hands, have them make sense. But how often do we fight a losing battle? How often do we push back against a world that isn’t quite ready to share with us what we desire it to? How many times have we tried to rush, push, make things go our way? And how many of those times have we failed? What I’ve learned, over and over again, is that what’s supposed to be mine will come, what’s meant to be will fall into place, what’s right will feel right and I won’t have to force it...... read the rest of the article here at Thought Catalog It's an excellent read, and I urge you…

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Holistic approach for the wellness of a body, mind, and soul

Holistic approach for the wellness of a body, mind, and soul by Lena Hemsworth - Lifestyle Blogger The holistic approach to life has many definitions, but all of them have one thing in common. You’re focusing on improving all aspects of your life and looking at the big picture. Instead of treating the symptoms, you’re getting to the root of each problem and transforming your life as you go. If you try the holistic approach, you’re bound to improve your physical and mental health beyond recognition. We are made to move. Unfortunately, the life of an average person in modern society revolves around sitting and laying down. Your body aches to feel the adrenaline rush of exercise, your heart aches to pump blood, and your mind needs exercise to produce happy hormones. If you truly love your body, you will give it an outlet. Any kind of exercise is good exercise. From yoga to jogging to intense workouts, your body will be thankful. It will process stress better, become stronger, and be almost invincible to disease and viruses.   2. Daily meditation In a world that is a storm of chaos and stress, your best weapon can be the calm…

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Love Yourself First

Love Yourself First Helen Bradford   As Louise L. Hay once said: “Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” However, loving yourself requires effort, not just words. It may seem challenging though, especially considering how hectic our lives can be. Juggling with work, family, and many other obligations can leave us neglecting ourselves. It’s time to change the game and give yourself some much-needed TLC. It doesn't require any groundbreaking transformations. On the contrary, adopting these few self-care habits will give you a healthy body and a healthy mind. 1. Getting started. Self-discipline is the key when it comes to physical activity. Most of us make the decision to start exercising rather easily, but when it comes to putting it to practice, well... it's another story. A good idea is to make a workout schedule. Keep track of your activities (and energy levels) for a week. This will give you insight into what times work best for you. Our energy levels are usually highest in the morning so that would be a good time for more intense workouts. However, if you see it as a way to vent out after a busy day at work then you’ll dedicate time to…

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Take Mental Health Day

6 Reasons Why You Should Take A Mental Health Day by Adam Durnham What Is a Mental Health Day? Although there is a formal Mental Health Day celebrated every October 10 to bring awareness to the spectrum of mental health conditions, you can have your own special day devoted to healing your mental state. Just as sleep refreshes the physical body, our minds need to take a rest, too. A mental health day could simply mean a regular day of rest, freeing yourself from stressors, and refocusing on or seeking your purpose in life. By taking your own mental health day, you can rejuvenate your mind and care for it like you would any other part of your body. Why Should You Take a Mental Health Day? 1. It helps improve your thinking. Anything you think about—responsibilities at work, home, or school—can take a toll on your mind. Like small blocks, they can that pile up in a haphazard fashion and tumble down when not managed. Studies show that people under acute stress tend to make "risk-taking decisions even with disadvantageous outcomes". This is why taking a mental health day can be so important. A mental rest can help improve…

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Changing your life

I am all about making changes in my life.  I have tons of great ideas about things I want to do to change my life.  I may not be so great with the follow through, but that's a blog for another day.  Anyhow, back to changing your life.  We all have different vehicles we use to bring about change in our lives.  This website is one of mine.  But I recently read an amazing article about changing your life.  It's written by Kathleen McGovern, and it's called.  How To Change Your Life With One Word.  Ms. McGovern says a lot of great things in her article, but this stands out for me....you need clarity and sustained focus over time. The whole article is great, and I encourage you to read it here, but that one phrase really resonates.  You can't exercise once and then be healthy or cut back on the junk food for a day and be skinny (oh how I wish that were true).  Nor can you pick up a book and look at it once and think you'll be prepared for a test the next day. Changing your life takes time and focus, but there are some…

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Aging Gracefully: Health and Safety Tips for Seniors

          Photo via Pixabay by Congerdesign   Aging Gracefully: Health and Safety Tips for Seniors by Maria Cannon Aging gracefully involves many things; staying healthy is a priority, but safety is also a crucial part of getting older. For many seniors, making sure their home and lifestyle are in line with those imperatives can be difficult. You may have a disability that makes things a bit more challenging, or you might be on a budget that requires you to limit the amount of money you spend on improving your home to make sure it’s safe and accessible. Many seniors find it hard to get used to a different diet when they’re focusing on their health, especially if they’re living with diabetes or other conditions that require big changes.   Fortunately, there are several things you can do to boost your health and safety no matter your age or lifestyle,starting with maintaining or adopting the right mindset. Everything that’s going on in the world, combined with the challenges we all face on any given day, can make it easy to focus on the negative. But positive thinking can help improve your health and help you live longer.…

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Perspective is Amazing

I was on facebook this morning and someone shared a link to an article about teachers becoming digital panhandlers because we have campaigns on sites like DonorsChoose or gofundme to get supplies for our classrooms.  The person who shared the link was offended by the article title.  He found it to be incredibly demeaning to his wife who is a teacher and to teachers as a whole.  That was his perspective. I read the article, and my perspective is entirely different.  Yes, he did call teachers digital panhandlers, but the article was not offensive or derogatory.  Instead it laid the facts out very clearly, and drew attention to the lack of school funding.  If schools were adequately funded, teachers wouldn't need to resort to this "digital panhandling" to fund their classrooms. The gentleman and I went back and forth essentially agreeing to disagree, but it really got me thinking about perspective.  It's amazing how people see things differently, and we would all do well to remember that our view isn't the only view. Another woman commented that she donates her stipend checks right back to the school.  Stipends are checks people get for doing extra things like coaching.  I commented…

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How to Turn Your Hobby into a Profitable Business

  How to Turn a Hobby into a Legitimate Business Maria Cannon For many, the idea of starting a small business holds a certain appeal, but the hurdles to actually doing it seem too much to overcome. One of the main hurdles is the question what would I even do? Well, it is possible to do something you enjoy and make money. Turning a hobby into a legitimate business could be just what you need. Here’s how to get yourself set up to succeed.   Decide if it’s feasible to even try Yes, the first step may sound discouraging. But it’s not - it’s just smart. Do the math. Take a deep dive into your finances and see if it is feasible to start a new business from the ground up. If you need some help, then get some help. Do not forget to include your partner/significant other in these discussions. It’s not just you that will be affected by the work that comes with starting a new business.   Know what your business truly does for people If you don’t know what your business does, nobody else will either. The first thing you have to do if you are…

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4 Ways to Stay Strong and Positive in Times of Sickness

4 Ways to Stay Strong and Positive in Times of Sickness In times of sickness, it can be hard to keep your morale high. Medical conditions can make it difficult to get on with your normal routine. No wonder people undergoing any sort of treatment have to look for ways to keep them busy in order to enjoy their time. A positive attitude and motivation are necessary to get on with your life and stay calm. Even though stress and painful treatments might seem as though they are taking a toll on your life, keeping yourself occupied with anything that your physician allows can help you stay motivated and lessen the amount of stress. This can be anything from meditation and easy yoga poses to reading a long overdue book. Sickness has a deep impact on the psyche of a human being. The recovery greatly depends on how motivated you are to put a brave front in times of hardship, be it any ailment that time and again causes pain or any sudden deterioration of health. So, what are the things that you can indulge in during times of sickness to keep your motivation levels intact? Here are the activities…

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Visualize and it Will Materialize

Originally posted at Success.com Visualize and it Will Materialize by Steve Rizzo Visualization is a common sense success strategy that can keep you motivated and focused to achieve your goals throughout the day. As I’ve often said, “Visualize and it will materialize.” Visualization is the applying of your given gift of imagination to your faith and confidence. You can use it to discover ways to work through tough times, to rise above your problems and see the possibilities of a solution. It can also be used in the process of healing or to manifest a particular desire. You can read the rest of the article here

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