What Exactly is Enlightnment?

  What Exactly Is Enlightenment? Written by Jafree Ozwald www.EnlightenedBeings.com "In a single moment, in one stroke, you can become enlightened. It is not a gradual process, because enlightenment is not something that you have to invent. It is something that you have to discover. It is already there. It is not something that you have to manufacture. If you have to manufacture it, of course, it will take time; but it is already there. Close your eyes and see it there. Be silent and have a taste of it. Your very nature is what I call enlightenment. Enlightenment is not something alien, outside you. It is not somewhere else in time and space. It is you, your very core." ~Osho Have you ever wondered exactly what does the word Enlightenment mean?  Well, personally I've only had a very brief taste of the enlightened state through a Samadhi experience that I was blessed with in 1995.  The one thing I can tell you that enlightenment is something that cannot be put into words. Yet, if I could describe it, I'd say it is the continuous realization of the divine Universally interconnected omnipotent omniscient omnipresent being you truly are.  Wow, that's…

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Manifesting What you REALLY Want! – The Secret BEHIND The Secret

It's not too often that I can actually say I am blown away by a video I watched online, but this really impressed me: --> Check them out here Like many of you, I have been struggling for years to make the Law of Attraction work for me, not knowing that I was actually going about using it THE WRONG WAY! You see, the key to using the Law of Attraction, and being able to manifest what you want and desire, is the proper use of visualization. The fact is, many people can't properly visualize and create an emotional connection to what they are seeing. All that has now changed thanks to “Abundant Mind” Abundant Mind is being called "The Netflix of Subliminal Manifestation" because it contains a massive library of powerful, full motion, high resolution visualization videos that can be streamed on any internet connected device. Unlike the visualization videos that already exist on the market, these are vastly superior because they use FIVE scientifically proven subconscious altering techniques. By using full motion themed video (not still images), a special audio track, affirmations, subliminal messages and binaural beats, these videos will completely change how you visualize and respond emotionally…

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New Year – New You!

Hi Everybody - my friend Lisa has this incredible program she wants to share with YOU! Do you look into the mirror and wish you could see a more appealing version of you? Have you ever wanted to be that dynamic personality whose very presence radiates positivity and attracts more love and respect? Do you feel you’ve lost the connection with your partner in daily bickering and the sense of ‘not being understood’? Do you feel that at the end of the day, you are so drained out and stressed, that you have no energy or space in your life for yourself? Do you want to drain away the rest of your life like that too?   Are you seriously still thinking about the ideal life that you should be living? Stop thinking now and do something about it!   Whoever made you think that a healthy, perfect, happy life, full of positivity is difficult, probably wasn't lucky enough to come across the right way to get out of his own problems!   NO- heavy exercise regime NO- crash diets NO- pills/artificial stimulants NO- medication/complex procedures NO- Difficult to reach ‘Ashrams’ or expensive Spa Centers NO- Extra Expense, in fact,…

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How to Attract Your Soulmate

My friend James shared with me the secrets to what your soulmate secretly craves more than anything else!  He wants to share the secret obsession that is the key to your man's heart.  His secrets will help you attract and keep the love you so truly deserve.  You just need to know the key to flip the secret trigger in his heart.  Tap into his primal, inner desires and become his obsession!  Click here to get your copy of these secrets to tap into his hero instinct and make him yours.

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Becoming a SUPER Manifestor

My friend Jafree sent this along, and I just wanted to share it with you :)   Did you know there is an unlimited manifesting power inside you which you can learn to tap into and manifest the life you've been dreaming of? My friend Jafree, founder and creator of enlightenedbeings.com took 15 years of his life to create a powerful manifesting program that contains all the secrets you need to manifesting anything that you desire. There have been tens of thousands of people from 65+ countries around the world who have already experienced extraordinary results from using this powerful Manifesting Technology. Click Here to Learn More About Jafree's Super Manifesting Program Now! FYI: The soul purpose of this program is to empower, educate and inspire you! It will give your life full direction, clarity, confidence and the ability to become the master of your mind in this deeply challenging world. This enlightening material truly works, and his 8 habits manifesting routine will definitely empower you with the ability to create ANYTHING you can dream! For example, in 2003, one of Jafree's clients was $90,000 in debt, struggling with his business, self-esteem, energy and his personal relationship for many years.…

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Super Manifestor Video

This was shared with me by Jafree Ozwald - hope you find it as useful as I did :) I found an amazing 90 Day Manifesting Program that will raise your vibration so that you start attracting anything and everything that your heart desires. I know it sounds too good to be true, yet it works! Tens of thousands of people have tried it and LOVED the results! Check out these Amazing Testimonials! The 90 Day Super Manifesting Program is truly powerful, and just by watching this video, you'll already feel an increase in your vibration! I love this program and I know you will too!! They have a 100% GUARANTEE that everyone who does the program will start attracting their dream life within 90 DAYS OR LESS by simply following the Morning Manifesting Routine! This may be your once in a lifetime opportunity to access the world's most effective and PROVEN Manifesting Technology... Click Here to Download It Instantly Now and experience it for yourself. Get ready to manifest your life's greatest dreams with joy and effortless ease...

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