Chris Cade – Happiness is where the Heart is

From Chris Cade

What would your life be like if you said and believed, “Today is a good day” independent of what actually happened to you? The answer to that question is what it means to be truly happy. However, if you want to discover the answer then you have to ask another question that goes deeper:

“What does my heart truly want?”

It is in the wanting that you discover how to feel truly lasting happiness. Society, and your life’s conditioning, have falsely led you to believe that the wantings of your heart must be fulfilled in order for you to be filled with happiness.

But nothing could be further from the truth…

How often have you heard about millionaires who are unhappy, even though they have “everything” anybody could ever want? The reason: Money can never buy what it represents. You hope that by having the money you will be happier, when in reality, most people would gladly give up all the money in the world just to be happy. (more…)

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It’s all a Lie

At least that's what I've been feeling like lately.  Every week, I set up the mailing list to send out the Daily Positive Thoughts.  I queue them up on Twitter, and I write the blog posts, and set them up so they also go to our Live Journal Community.  I look for the quotes to use, and I try to keep the website running well as well as make it interesting and easy to navigate.  This was all in an effort to maintain a positive attitude, and hopefully help other people to feel more positive as well.  Right now, I'm starting to think that it's all pointless and the whole be positive, Law of Attraction stuff is just a lie, a big pile of nothingness that was put together in order to make other people money. That's exactly how I was feeling.  I didn't feel like my Daily Positive Thoughts were helping anybody, and they certainly weren't helping me.  To me, they'd become nothing more than a chore.  And as far as the whole Law of Attraction thing went, well it just wasn't happening for me.  I'd done what the books said.  I put my wants and desires out there…

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The Power of Visualization

The Power of Visualization by  via The Daily Love Hi TDL world!!  We believe in change and that dreams come true!  In last week’s blog we talked about The Power of Visualization and how we believe that you can alter your circumstances through positive thoughts and visualization.  This week we want to challenge you to visualize beyond just your mind and create a vision board! Why a vision board? It helps you set your intention and goals – both long and short term.  It also keeps you accountable and focused! What is a vision board?  Basically it’s a simple poster or bulletin board filled with a collage of images, words and pictures of what goals you have in life.  You can draw the images, tear photos from magazines or find Google images.  For example, we like to fill our board with words that are related to actions that will make our goals successful, become a better friend or daughter, a photo of a medal that will encourage us to train harder, images of places we’d like to travel or adventures we want to tackle and quotes that encourage healthy happy living. Your vision and dreams are endless and it’s…

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Gearing up for a new week

I had an incredibly insanely busy weekend.  I'm a single parent and as such, all the to-ing and fro-ing of my kids falls to me.  And let me say, they are very busy kids.  I was sitting down a little while ago, queuing up the daily positive thoughts for the week and to be honest, I was feeling a little bit sorry for myself.  We spent yesterday at a college fair and today, I don't think I was out of my car for more than 15 minutes at a time.  I was mopey and sulky and wondering when I was going to get some time to myself to relax and kick back (and maybe play some Angry Birds). Then I gave myself the proverbial Gibbs slap to the back of the head (yes I watch way too much NCIS) and I started looking at all the sulky things and turning them around. Yes, I spent all day yesterday at a college fair with my kids, but hey, that means I have two great, smart kids who are planning for their future.  Today, I had to drop my kids at school for a parade, do the grocery shopping, pick up the…

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It’s an Awesome Circle

Every morning, on my way to work, I list out all the things that I'm grateful for as well as my daily affirmations.  It's a part of my daily ritual, and it's a great way to start my day.  One day, I was thinking about the things I wanted to attract into my life and said, "I'm a magnet for luck, a magnet for love and a magnet for money, and I attract these things into my life.  The more I attract, the more I have.  The more I have, the happier I am.  The happier I am, the more I attract.  The more I attract the more I have, the more I have the happier I am.  It's an AWESOME CIRCLE - it's a CIRCLE OF AWESOMENESS! This has become the favorite part of my daily affirmations....thinking about the circle of awesomeness that is my life.   I hear other people talk about how their trapped in a vicious circle, but not me...I live in an AWESOME CIRCLE!

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You are Terrific

Take the time to be alone, too, so you can know just how terrific your own company can be. There is a lot to be said for being alone.  I'm not talking about being lonely. You can be lonely in the biggest crowd.  I'm talking about being alone and getting to know yourself.  Can you honestly say you know who you are?  I don't think most of us do.  We're so busy trying to please this person or help that person and live up to the expectations of the other person that we let ourselves fall by the wayside.  What I'm proposing is setting aside five or ten minutes a day to sit in silence and think about yourself.  Who you are, and what your hopes and dreams are.  Go ahead and do it - I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at what a remarkable human being you are.

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The Five Things Rule

This is a continuation of my Hello Negativity- now go away post from yesterday.  Yesterday, I was bombarded by negative attacks from a person, and I came up with a couple of strategies to deal with the negativity, and they worked for me.  I forgot one of the best and most effective strategies though - the Five Things Rule.  What is the Five Things Rule?  It's simple.  When you are angry with someone, or their working to make your life difficult, or if you're just in a  mood with someone (hey, it happens) list five things about that person that you really like.  Write it down, think about it, or even tell them to their face, but find FIVE things about that person that you really like and focus on them.  It's hard to remain mad, or negative when you're thinking about people's positive characteristics, and it's just as difficult to allow their negativity to effect or impact you when you're making a mental list of their good qualities.

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Goals and Determination

This one step - choosing a goal and staying to it - changes everything.- Scott Reed I watch people every day flit from goal to goal. I want this, I want that.  It's okay to want - it's actually kind of important to want, but you're not going to GET until you start to focus and work, with determination, toward what it is that you want.  Once you have a goal, or a destination firmly set, you can begin to work toward it, and that determination will help you reach that goal so quickly.  You can do it.  You will succeed.  And then, you get to set another goal, and another and another.  Achieving your goal doesn't mean that it's all over - it's just another new beginning!  

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Success and Happiness

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer There are people who believe that success is the key to happiness.  They think if they have things they're happy.  It's true that having things can make life EASIER but it doesn't necessarily make it happier.  True happiness comes when you love what your doing. When you get up in the morning, you can't WAIT to go to work or do what you need to do, then you know you're successful. I used to have a job that I loved.  I'd be sitting at my desk working and I felt like there was a symphony inside of my just trying to burst out of me.  I smiled all day. It was truly the best job ever.  Did I have a lot of things and did I make a lot of money?  The answer to that was a redounding NO, but I was so HAPPY that I didn't care that I didn't have a brand new car and a beautiful house to live in.  I had a car, I had a place to live…

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True Happiness

You can't depend on anyone else for your happiness. True happiness comes from within. This is so true.  So often people get caught up in thinking that they'll be happy if they have this thing, or that job, or they're dating that person.  Those things are all great and their the icing on the happiness cake.  The true happiness, that happiness cake, comes from within.  Nothing and nobody can make you be truly happy.  You need to find that happiness inside of you.  Take a good look at yourself, at the person that you are and figure out what is going to make you happy.  Is it your job that makes you happy, or the satisfaction you get from doing your job well.  It's nice and it's great if your boss says "Hey, good job," but that is nothing compared to the joy and satisfaction you get when you've done something and you KNOW you've done it well. So look inside yourself and find out what it is that makes you truly happy and celebrate it.  Once you figure it out, those other external things that make you happy will be just that much more sweet and enjoyable, you know,…

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