Failure is not an option!

If you knew you couldn't fail, what would you try. Live your life like failure is not an option. We all have things we want to do. Great things, small things, amazing things and wonderful things. We all have grandiose ideas about the things we want to accomplish. Personally, I want to be an amazing writer of fiction as well as motivational/self-help type of books. Now imagine setting out to do these things knowing you'll be successful. Imagine failure not being an option. What would you do then? Fear of failure holds people back from trying even the simplest of things. Act like failure is not an option, try new things, set your own personal bar as high as you can imagine and then jump right over. You can do it!

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Failure is not Fatal

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.(Winston Churchill) You are not always going to be successful in your undertakings. That's a fact of life. Things do not always work out the way we want them to, or the way we're planning. To put in in the vernacular, sh*t happens. That's not important. The most important think is picking yourself up and trying again and again and again, until you get the results that you are trying for. That is the measure of true courage, and that is what makes you successful. It's the trying again, not the end result.

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Today is Special

Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special. Today is special, EVERY day is special, and I think we forget that. Country music icon Tim McGraw has a song Live Like You Were Dying that says: An' he said: "Some day, I hope you get the chance, "To live like you were dyin'." and American Idol winner Kris Allen has a song called Live Like We're Dying that says: We only got 86 400 seconds in a day To turn it all around or throw it all away We gotta tell ‘em that we love ‘em while we got the chance to say, Gotta live like we’re dying Both of these songs send out the same message, this is it, this is the only life we have to live.  We don't want to just exist and go through the steps day in and day out.  Don't save things for a special occasion.  Every day is a special occasion and it's time to enjoy the life you're living.  Don't wait until dinner is over to have dessert.  Sometimes having dessert first can be fun.  And your kids aren't…

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Attitude of Gratitude

Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation. Brian Tracy I set my google chat status the other day to read "I have so much to be thankful for." I wasn't feeling particularly thankful at that moment, and that is why I made that my status. It gave me an opportunity to think about exactly how much I have to be thankful for. I'm currently fighting a cold/sinus infection, and while being sick SUCKS incredibly, I'm thankful that i have good health insurance that allowed me to go to the doctor and get medicine to shorten the duration of my illness. I have two kids that always need to be driven EVERYWHERE, but guess what? I have to amazing kids that are active and involved members of their community and who are responsible, and pretty well behaved. I have a job, a car and a place to live. I have great friends. I am so lucky, and I have a lot for which to be thankful. So the next time you're feeling down, take a minute…

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Follow Your Imagination

Your ability to achieve and succeed is limited only by the size of your imagination and the strength of your determination. When we're little, our imaginations are boundless. A block of wood can become a space ship, a race car, or a spy glass. A piece of paper a treasure map. A necklace made from macaroni the jewels from the treasure. Never loose that imagination because that's the real treasure map. It's going to guide you to succeed. Believe in it and believe in yourself and there's no telling how far you'll go.

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Open your Soul

Emily Dickinson said “The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience.”  My soul isn’t just ajar – it’s wide open and there’s a big freaking welcome mat out front, so come on in, pull up a chair and say “Hi.” I think for so many of us, it's almost second nature to keep ourselves closed off from people and not let them into our lives, our hearts or our souls.  It's safer, there are less opportunities to be hurt by doing this.  However, by doing this, we're closing ourselves off from the opportunity to learn and grow.  We need to welcome people into our lives in order to learn from them.  So open your heart, open your soul and let the best that people have to offer into your life and make you that much richer.

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You’ve Done it Before…

You've done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination. Ralph Marston. Sometimes things just don't go the way you've planned. It happens, it's frustrating, but it's reality. When it does happen, you have two choices, you can get all angry, stressed and frustrated or you can do something amazing and incredible. Take that anger, stress and frustration and turn it around and use it to help you move forward toward your goals and dreams.

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Don’t Get Bogged Down

According to the laws of aerodynamics, a bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly. I guess it’s a good thing nobody told that to the bumble bee. Be that bumble bee – don’t get bogged down in what people tell you can’t be done – just buzz merrily along and do it. . How do I love the idea of this, let me count the ways. When I first read that statement I think I was a teenager, and I never forgot it. I absolutely love the idea of being able to succeed at what should be "impossible" simply because nobody said it couldn't be done. I think it's kind of an ideal way to live life. Ignore the nay-sayers and doubting Thomases and just go about your life getting things done. Ignore the "You Can't's" and just get it done.

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The Impossible is Possible

According to the laws of aerodynamics, a bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly.  I guess it’s a good thing nobody told that to the bumble bee.  Be that bumble bee – don’t get bogged down in what people tell you can’t be done – just buzz merrily along and do it Oh how I LOVE this quote, and it's so true - if you don't know that something isn't possible, it becomes POSSIBLE.  Don't listen to the doubts of others.  Go out and do what you want to do.  Maybe you'll succeed, maybe you won't, but if you don't try, you're guaranteed to fail.


Yes You Can!

It’s so easy to focus on I can’t have this, or I can’t do that. Guess what? You CAN have this, you CAN that. You can be, do AND have anything you want. From the time we're born, we hear no you can't have this, no you can't do that. Granted as children, there are some things it's just not safe for us to do or to have. But the problem is, as we grow up, we're so used to the no's and the can't's that we kind of just accept it. Well guess what, we don't have to accept it. You can have and do anything you want - as long as you believe in yourself, you can do ANYTHING.

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