Give Yourself a Break

I've been doing a lot of self-reflection lately. Self-reflection is good, too much - not so good! I've not been happy with who I am as a person lately. I've been dealing with some serious health issues, and I've allowed them, and the thoughts of them, to overwhelm me. I was finally coming to grips with everything and then covid-19 hit, and I went from being a teacher in a school, to teaching from my bedroom online, while my daughter worked in the living room and my son in his bedroom. It was a huge struggle, we had exactly one week to take everything we were doing in a classroom and get it online. We didn't do well and the kids didn't do well. I was working from 7:00 in the morning, until 11:00 - 12:00 at night, trying to connect with kids, and it's continued into this summer. It's made me realize something. Taking time for me isn't selfish, it's a necessity. It's a necessity for all of us. And the way that time looks is going to be different for everybody, and that's okay. We're all different, our "me" time should be different as well. So take some…

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Sometimes, I Wonder Why

Sometimes, I wonder why.  No that would be a lie, I wonder why, all the time.  I wonder why about a lot of things.  Today I am wondering why about Think Positive 30.   Why am I doing this? That is a very good question.  I started out doing this for me, and for a dear, wonderful friend.  You can read the story in the about section, but the abridged version is we were whiny.  Our blogs were filled with negative crap, and she decided to post one positive thing a day.  Why?  Because all that negativity was bringing us down. I made a blog specifically for that, and Think Positive 30 was born.  From the blog (not this one) it morphed into a website, and a mailing list.  I loved the mailing list.  But my web host kept flagging me for spam, even though people had to sign up for the email list.  I loved the email list beyond belief. It was a lot of work, but I loved it. But the flagging made me look for a different way to do it. I found the list I'm using now, Mail Chimp.  It's an amazing list, but it's…

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2 Questions that will Change Your Life

Today's guest post was written by Erin Dickson an amazing life coach. 2 Questions That Will Change Your Life... Erin Dickson Gravity Life Coaching       When I was a few years out of college and stuck in a dead-end job – I was contemplating going back to graduate school to be a Guidance Counselor.  I knew I wanted to be a Guidance Counselor, but the process of getting there was a bit overwhelming.    I was living in an apartment by myself, working 2 jobs and discovered that I would need to do a 600-hour unpaid internship.  It was so overwhelming to look at the big picture -  because all I could think about was what could go wrong.  How could I possibly take a 6 month long unpaid full-time internship while paying rent?    That’s the question I was living in and that’s the question that stopped me from moving forward for so long.   When I was finally able to start living in a different question, I discovered how to move forward.  I wanted it to be a possibility, I wanted to make it happen and I knew that others made it happen.  If others made…

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Manifesting What you REALLY Want! – The Secret BEHIND The Secret

It's not too often that I can actually say I am blown away by a video I watched online, but this really impressed me: --> Check them out here Like many of you, I have been struggling for years to make the Law of Attraction work for me, not knowing that I was actually going about using it THE WRONG WAY! You see, the key to using the Law of Attraction, and being able to manifest what you want and desire, is the proper use of visualization. The fact is, many people can't properly visualize and create an emotional connection to what they are seeing. All that has now changed thanks to “Abundant Mind” Abundant Mind is being called "The Netflix of Subliminal Manifestation" because it contains a massive library of powerful, full motion, high resolution visualization videos that can be streamed on any internet connected device. Unlike the visualization videos that already exist on the market, these are vastly superior because they use FIVE scientifically proven subconscious altering techniques. By using full motion themed video (not still images), a special audio track, affirmations, subliminal messages and binaural beats, these videos will completely change how you visualize and respond emotionally…

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What if You Stopped Being Yourself – Chris Cade

When I think of experiences that provide me the most inner growth, I notice they all have a common thread: Whatever is going on is not representative of what I consider to be my “normal” everyday experience.

In the case of the last 6 months, trauma is definitely not a part of my historical everyday experience. Most of my life has been fairly enjoyable, peaceful, and lacking of major conflict. Sure I’ve had my challenges, but nothing that was truly horrifying (until last year).

And while I don’t advocate you go out looking for trauma, my experience has shown me that embracing it and working through the trauma has given me riches of personal growth beyond my imagination.

It was a step FAR beyond my normal experience, and the trauma challenged me every single day to live what I know to be true. It also challenged me to decide whether or not I’d continue to identify with who I was, or if I’d step up to the unbelievable challenge and become more of the incredible person that I am discovering and know myself to be.

Now, if you don’t want to be traumatized to step out of your “normal” experience, there are other ways. 🙂

Here’s a true story to illustrate… (more…)

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Walk the Walk and Talk the Talk

Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.~ St. Francis of Assisi I was going to blog about this quote, because honestly, it's a great quote.  If you break the impossible down into smaller chunks and start with what you can do, you'll find that the impossible becomes possible. That's what I WAS going to blog about, but instead I'm going to talk about life.  Life and how it seems so incredibly overwhelming and how incredibly difficult it can be to remain positive when you're faced with the everyday frustrations that seem to crop up with annoying regularity. I'm going through such a period right now, and if I'm not going to talk the talk and walk the walk, how can I, in good conscience, expect others to do it?  I actually posted on my personal twitter acount that i was jumping off the positivity train and and climbing on the life sucks bus.  This is NOT the attitude of a positive person by any stretch of the imagination.  I'd like to say it was a momentary aberration, but the mood has persisted for a couple of days. This is where the opportunity…

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It’s Pity Party Time – Or Is It?

Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in this world. - Helen Keller Everybody, and I mean everybody will occasionally feel sorry for themselves.  It's okay.  It's even a good thing.  It's when you allow that self-pity to take over and rule your life that you have a problem.  When you completely give in to feeling sorry for yourself and wallow in it, you totally sabotage yourself. You need to make a choice.  Do you want to throw yourself a permanent pity party, or do you want to acknowledge your self-pity, deal with it and move on?  To me it seems like a fairly simple decision.  Acknowledge, deal and move on.  You'll feel better and who knows what amazing and wonderful things you'll accomplish.

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Why Your AHA Moments Don’t Stick – Chris Cade

by Chris Cade You've most certainly seen this in your life, and possible the lives of those you know about. It's happened to me. The story starts out the same. You have one of those "amazingly super-duper spiritually enlightening aha moment experiences." You may have walked around for a few hours or even days without an ego... It was mind-blowing to feel empty and spacious yet full... For a night, it was inspiring to have the courage of a lion... And for a moment, your consciousness expanded exponentially when you saw the entire Universe in a grain of sand. But then something else happened. It wore off. The realization didn't stick, and you realize something more immediate: you're "just" you. Whoever you were before that incredible experience has returned to the present moment.   You hoped that the experience would transform your life forever. You hoped that if you had enough of those experiences, if you sought and found them, if you cherished them, they'd add up to enough realizations that you'd get to keep them all forever. The thing is, transformation doesn't work that way. Realization is one thing. It's the starting point. Realizations like those open us up…

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She Gave Me the Finger, I Gave Her My Heart – Chris Cade

Though that may sound like like the name of a really bad country song, I assure you I haven't switched vocations to become a musician. :) See, the other day I was taking my son to preschool and I had an "interaction" with a driver. There is a highway interchange that was designed very poorly and has great potential for accidents. All the people in the left lane have to get over to the right lane (which turns very quickly), and all the people coming from the right lane (which is a curve) have to get over into the left lane. To compound the issue, those going from right to left have a metering light that brings traffic to a stop. During rush hour, it's a dangerous intersection. I was in the left lane, another woman in the right. I kindly slowed so that she'd be able to get into the lane in front of me. Then I'd be able to switch to the right. Unfortunately, she decided to also slow at the same time. We both came to an almost complete stop in the middle of traffic because within the 1 second we saw each other, we couldn't agree on…

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Stop Feeling the Way You Know You Shouldn’t – Chris Cade

A while back I shared with you my thoughts about "The LIE About Positive Thinking."  Today, I'd like to expand on that topic in a different way. Specifically, the question is: Is it okay to have our thoughts? On the surface, it seems obvious. Of course it's fine to have our thoughts! But what if they're judgmental? Or so anti-Law Of Attraction that they're negative or hurtful? Shameful? Is it okay to have those thoughts too? I recall years ago that whenever I wanted to feel a specific kind of emotion, I'd change my music to something that mirrored what I wanted. If I wanted to feel energized, I put on Dream Theater, Van Halen, Metallica, or Robert Miles. If I wanted to feel mellow, I put on some Diana Krall, Enigma, or Enya. For whatever mood I wanted, I put in the music that would take me there. It wasn't until I ventured further down my spiritual path that I realized how detrimental that was to myself. I thought I was doing myself a favor by "picking myself up" naturally. Sort of like when you have a bad day, and a friend comes over and says, "Hey, let's go…

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