Relax and Trust the Universal Intelligence

Relax and Trust the Universal Intelligence Written by Jafree Ozwald "For peace of mind, we need to resign as general manager of the universe." ~Larry Eisenberg I invite you to explore the feeling that you are always at the right place, at the right time and you're being taken care of, provided for by a highly intelligent loving source in each new moment.  Just for this moment, allow everything in your life to be exactly the way it is. Yes, you can take a vacation from the world of worry and relax into your innermost paradise. You deserve a break from this very busy mind.  Take a deep breath right now and let yourself relax.  The more you can relax into your body, the easier it is to discover this intelligent Universal energy. Conscious relaxation is truly amazing in that it allows your brain cells to open up and receive full access to the divine Universal Intelligence.  This is where your greatest power and creativity is found.  Obviously there's no efforting involved in relaxation, it's simply a continuous release of the mind and free falling into a harmonious connection with this moment.  When you consciously let go of the…

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How to Effortlessly Manifest Your Desires

Do you want to learn how to manifest your desires faster and easier? Of course you do - we all do. The first thing to know is about the clarity of your intent. You must first see exactly what it is that you desire clearly for it to manifest! If you cant see or visualize it, well no problem! My good friend Jafree Ozwald is a Super Manifestor and he has been teaching manifestation for the past 20 years. He has created a FREE online manifestation course that will help you to get crystal clear on how to enhance your manifestation skills and truly attract what you really want. His program is proven to work...and it works FAST!! It is also super fun to do. Check out his free starter kit to learn how to start attracting your desires with joy and effortless ease. Click Here If You DARE to Become a Super Manifestor Now! Whether it be an avalanche of cash, or your ideal loving relationship, or that amazing dream home you've always wanted to have, just follow our Manifesting Secrets for 90 days and you will start becoming a Manifesting Magnet! This is where the real magic begins!…

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What Exactly is Enlightnment?

  What Exactly Is Enlightenment? Written by Jafree Ozwald "In a single moment, in one stroke, you can become enlightened. It is not a gradual process, because enlightenment is not something that you have to invent. It is something that you have to discover. It is already there. It is not something that you have to manufacture. If you have to manufacture it, of course, it will take time; but it is already there. Close your eyes and see it there. Be silent and have a taste of it. Your very nature is what I call enlightenment. Enlightenment is not something alien, outside you. It is not somewhere else in time and space. It is you, your very core." ~Osho Have you ever wondered exactly what does the word Enlightenment mean?  Well, personally I've only had a very brief taste of the enlightened state through a Samadhi experience that I was blessed with in 1995.  The one thing I can tell you that enlightenment is something that cannot be put into words. Yet, if I could describe it, I'd say it is the continuous realization of the divine Universally interconnected omnipotent omniscient omnipresent being you truly are.  Wow, that's…

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You are the Greatest Treasure

You are The Greatest Treasure. by Jafree Ozwald Even after you have received all the fame, fortune and glory that you have been seeking for lifetimes, this ego may still try to continue its habitual search for more, more, more! Why are you still looking for riches outside yourself  when you  are the greatest goldmine in the entire Universe! Yes, you are... So embrace this wonderful sacred truth and allow yourself to discover the greatest treasure is not outside of your body, it is already within you. Keep digging deep into the core essence of ,  and very very soon you will strike it rich! Click Here to Become a Super Manifesting Magnet Now!

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Celebrate Your Life

Celebrate your Life by Jafree Ozwald This life that you have been given is a very sacred thing, and there are sooo many wonderful reasons to celebrate it! The best reason is you are the co-creator and main manifestor of it all! Yes, your thoughts are designing your reality in each millisecond. So think about what you WANT and stop thinking about what you don't want. Let yourself play, dance, sing, and enjoy being alive today! You can just scream out a BIG YES to yourself because YOU are THE party.  That's right. Without you, there is no main attraction. No matter what those doubting limiting thoughts may say, always remember this one little fact. The more often you can celebrate every precious day of your life, the bigger the "welcome home" party you'll have in the end. Get ready to let it ALL hang out, the real FUN is just starting. Click Here to Become a Super Manifesting Magnet Now!

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The Enlightened Manifestor

      Instantly Download Jafree's NEW 52 Week Enlightenment Program That Will Totally Transform, Empower and Ignite your Life! The Enlightened Manifestor is a revolutionary NEW enlightenment experience that will motivate, empower, inspire and educate you on how to manifest the life of your dreams.  You'll learn the secrets to manifest your desires in money, healthy relationships, physical energy, love, enlightenment and feel unstoppable in anything you do!  You'll receive enlightening information each week with a practical hands-on spiritually enlightening assignment that will skyrocket your life into an empowering new direction!  There is profound wisdom and powerful shifts in consciousness that will shape shift your destiny each week.  Perhaps best of all, these awakening assignments will also ignite your natural manifesting abilities! Once you get on this program for a few weeks it will truly spawn a revolution in your energy, vibration and consciousness! By this time next year, your life will be operating on a much higher level of consciousness and abundance. I guarantee you will LOVE the results you get from this spiritually enlightening journey! Since 1995, I've been writing enlightening articles and sending them out around the world to assist in the elevation of consciousness on…

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An Enlightened Message for Your Soul

You can choose to be happy right now. by Jafree Ozwald No matter if you are super rich or dirt poor, forever young or old as the Sun, happiness is ALWAYS a choice you can make and a chance you can take, right now! Make up your mind today to explore what being happy FEELS like. Just as an experiment to prove to yourself that you can simply choose it as an experience. When you feel the good vibration you empower yourself with this awesome self loving paradigm. You can see it is tons easier to manifest anything you want, need and desire in life, no matter what happens or does not happen in your outer world. Your life is designed to be a super rich and enlightening journey overflowing with jubilation! Today is your day to explore your your natural ability to make choices which catapult you instantly into living a life of bliss! Click Here to Become a Super Manifesting Magnet Now!     Save Save Save

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Effortlessly Manifest Your Desires

Learn How to Effortlessly Manifest your Desires with Manifesting Mantras! Learn How to Awaken Your Natural Manifesting Abilities with Magical Manifesting Mantras! Written by Jafree Ozwald "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world." ~Buddha Using a Manifesting Mantra Meditation every day is a powerful way to enlighten your mind, inspire your life, and boost your natural manifesting abilities. Simply by repeating and feeling the energy inside these manifesting mantras, you will retrain your brain to stay on the track to success. You may have noticed that the mind tends to wander into thoughts and experiences that no longer serve you. When you're implanting your mind with powerful Manifesting Mantras, you feel stronger and more powerful each day. The more you use the mantra the deeper the new programming spreads into your life! Perhaps you're wondering...  "Exactly, what is a manifesting mantra and how is it different than positive affirmations or regular mantras"?  Good question! A manifesting mantra is like a positive affirmation, yet with a barrel of rocket fuel behind it.  A manifesting mantra is a unique type of affirmation because it's job is to transport you…

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The 12 Day Money Manifesting Money Magnet E-Course

This FREE online experience will inspire, enlighten and heal your relationship with money so that you can effortlessly attract financial abundance into your life! True story... Learn How to Win the Lottery with Visualization!! She wrote the figure "$112 million" constantly, slept with the number under her pillow for weeks, meditated on it, and imagined how excited she would be once the money finally came into her life. After four months of obsessive focus she stopped and let go. And it did. In May 2007, Stafford won $112 million in California's Mega Millions lottery. Benefits from Taking The 12 Day Manifesting Money Magnet Ecourse Secrets to Become a Powerful Money Magnet! Dramatically Increase your Financial Frequency Secrets to Become a Powerful Money Magnet! Empower and Liberate your Relationship with Money Secrets to Become a Powerful Money Magnet! Learn 12 Manifesting Secrets that will turn you into a Money Magnet Secrets to Become a Powerful Money Magnet! Feel what's it like to step into the mind of a real Billionaire Secrets to Become a Powerful Money Magnet! Experience the sensations of being totally abundant and financially free Secrets to Become a Powerful Money Magnet! Receive direction and clarity about your life…

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Awaken to YOUR Divine, Infinite Nature

It's a new year and the possibilities for all of us are endless - but are you tapping into your manifesting potential?  Or are you manifesting, but not fast enough?  It's something a lot of people struggle with, myself included.  But thanks to my friend Jafree I'm learning to tap into my manifesting potential, and the results have been staggering! And Jafree is SOOOOO generous that he is willing to share those secrets with you! nstantly Increase your Manifesting Abilities absolutely FREE! Click here and get free access to Jafree's secrets.  Here's what you'll get: You'll receive the 3 Secrets to Manifesting Video, the 1st Chapter of my life changing Manifesting Manual, 2 powerful Manifesting Meditations on MP3 Audio, and Life Transforming Enlightenment Emails... all for FREE!

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