10 Wealth Affirmations to Attract Riches Into Your Life

This is not my article - I found it tonight and I want to share it with you...I'm posting a snippit of it and a link to the website...It's amazing and powerful and I hope you'll all read it. Affirmations can have positive impact on your life. There are several types of positive affirmations and the most popular ones are wealth affirmations. Wealth affirmations can improve our beliefs about money and the accumulation of wealth. They make us concentrate our attentions, thoughts and ideas toward attracting wealth and abundance into our lives. You can read the rest of the article here

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7 Steps to INCREASE Your Money Flow

Today we have another awesome guest post from Erin Dickson of Gravity Life Coaching     Do you feel frustrated with your current financial situation and are looking to change it, but just don't know how?    When you grow up with certain ideas about money, you tend to internalize them and this actually blocks your flow of money, without even realizing it.  These ideas could be that there is a ceiling on how much money you can make, "money doesn't grow on trees", you have to work very hard just to get by or that money makes you happy or sad.    When you hold onto that mindset about money, you are blocking the flow of the money coming to you.  So how do you change it?   1.  Identify what your beliefs about money are. What ideas did you inherit about money from your parents?  Are you still holding onto these ideas?  How are they stopping you from meeting your full potential?   Listen to your own inner statements about money.  Give yourself 2 days to really listen to how you think about and talk about money.  What things do you find yourself saying?   Action Step:  Determine what…

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What Exactly is Enlightnment?

  What Exactly Is Enlightenment? Written by Jafree Ozwald www.EnlightenedBeings.com "In a single moment, in one stroke, you can become enlightened. It is not a gradual process, because enlightenment is not something that you have to invent. It is something that you have to discover. It is already there. It is not something that you have to manufacture. If you have to manufacture it, of course, it will take time; but it is already there. Close your eyes and see it there. Be silent and have a taste of it. Your very nature is what I call enlightenment. Enlightenment is not something alien, outside you. It is not somewhere else in time and space. It is you, your very core." ~Osho Have you ever wondered exactly what does the word Enlightenment mean?  Well, personally I've only had a very brief taste of the enlightened state through a Samadhi experience that I was blessed with in 1995.  The one thing I can tell you that enlightenment is something that cannot be put into words. Yet, if I could describe it, I'd say it is the continuous realization of the divine Universally interconnected omnipotent omniscient omnipresent being you truly are.  Wow, that's…

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The Secret of Deliberate Creation

Have you ever wondered why the Law of Attraction isn't working well for you?  You've watched the video, you've read the book, in fact you've read many books and still you struggle.  It's an exercise in frustration.  You're living in default mode instead of design mode.  You're conditioned to have low, or even empty expectations, but you cannot achieve success by slapping positive thoughts on top of empty expectations.  Trust me, I know.  I was banging my head against the wall.  I'm Joe positive...I'm always thinking positive and looking for the good everywhere and in everything.  But then I learned about The Secret of Deliberate Creation.  Dr. Robert Anthony breaks it all down and helps you to work through the roadblocks that are sabotaging your success.  If you want to learn more about this fantastic program, Click Here!  Give yourself permission to TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE, and start manifesting your heart's desire.

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Why Positive Thinking Alone Doesn’t Manifest Wealth

Hi This might sound controversial to some people, but remember, I’ve spent half a lifetime surrounded by people who have achieved great success (financial included), so I know what I’m talking about here…   Positive thinking is NOT enough to bring you wealth.   No matter what other self-help experts out there tell you, it is NOT enough.   Positive Thinking by itself = Future disappointment   What you need is…   Positive Thinking + Skills/Mindset + Action = Great wealth   Here’s how to become a complete and total MAGNET for money…   ==> The REAL secret to Total Money Magnetism   If you want to become wealthy then you need to learn how to reprogram your mind to THINK like a millionaire.   Society has programmed so many incorrect thoughts about how money works that it takes a lot more than just positive thinking for you to become a magnet for it.   But… If you’re willing to change your way of thinking…   If you’re willing to forget the well meaning advice from your friends, family, school teachers, and so forth…   …If you’re willing to implant the brain of a millionaire into your head… Then follow…

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Become a Money Magnet!

Do you want to know the secrets to becoming a "Money Magnet"? My friend Jafree of EnlightenedBeings.com has developed 3 Powerful Manifesting Meditations which will shift your consciousness so that you are manifesting true financial freedom in your life! Each manifesting meditation is specifically designed to strengthen your ability to attract abundance. By simply listening to each meditation, you'll tap into the ideas and energies which attract wealth to you, turning you into a "Manifesting Magnet"!! You can feel your financial frequency shifting from just relaxing and listening... Click Here to Experience ALL 3 Money Manifesting Meditations Now!

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