The Benefits of Mindful Meditation

The Benefits of Mindful Meditation Krista Harper   Meditation has been around for thousands of years. Initially, the practice was linked with certain spiritual aspects of some religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism. It was used as a technique to help people achieve a higher plane of discipline in the said religion. It has evolved over time, however, with much of today’s discussion about meditation focusing on its benefits upon the wellness of the body and mind. Men and women of science have come out to show the positive changes that the body and mind can undergo as a result of consistent and mindful meditation. What is Mindful Meditation? Although there are many different meditation techniques, mindful meditation is one of the best and most effective. The trick here is to focus your mind on your very own experiences and make the conscious decision to focus upon your sensations, emotions, and thoughts in the present. Here the person meditating must be aware of their body and mind, practice breathing techniques for focus, mental imagery and muscle relaxation. When you focus on your experiences, a lot of things that were shrouded before suddenly become very clear.   Benefits of Mindful Meditation…

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Words of Inspiration Printables

Floral Printables to Inspire You Anywhere The words you share have more power than you may think. Our words have the energy to mold our emotions, mindsets, and potentialities. Not only can words boost our moods but they can inspire us to achieve goals we didn’t know were possible. It would only make sense if we surround ourselves with words to inspire us!   Inspirational or powerful words have the synergy to boost self-compassion, decrease stress, and advance our well-being. ProFlowers has designed 8 decorative floral printables that each illustrates a power word whose intent is to inspire and motivate you to be the best version of your self. Use these printables in your office, at home, or gift to a friend.   You may find all the wonderful printables here, along with 52 inspirational quotes from influential people. Empower the light within you by simply hanging a printable in each of your creative spaces. Start being inspired today!  

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8 Amazing Ways to Manage Your Emotions Right Away

8 Amazing Ways to Manage Your Emotions Right Away Jack Greener Emotions are a part of our daily lives. Feeling emotional is the thing that makes us human, but the objective is to control our emotions instead of being controlled by them. If you are here reading this article, then you have already taken the first step towards gaining control over your emotions. You have accepted that your emotions have to be controlled. There are many ways to control your emotions and stop them from negatively affecting your life. Here is a list of some of the best ways that are scientifically proven and I have personally used to control my emotions. So, give it a read if you want to become a master of your emotions. Try Breathing Exercises The first thing that you need to start practicing is some basic breathing exercises and meditation. It is scientifically proven that even simply taking three deep breaths can really help you control your emotions. This is a very effective and instant solution. If you are feeling angry, or you are feeling anxious and stressed, taking three simple deep breaths can get you in control of your emotions, and it can…

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Leadership Lessons We can Pull from Road Trips

Leadership Lessons We Can Pull From Road Trips It’s road trip season and we are all itching to travel to destinations we have been thinking about heading to for weeks or months! When enduring on a road trip whether long or short, it takes planning, effective execution, and adaptation to any unexpected outcomes. What you may not realize is that these simple actions are major lessons in leadership that we can incorporate into our daily work and personal lives!   CarRentals asked 26 experts in the travel and professional business industries the lessons they have pulled from adventuring on road trips, and it's quite interesting. James Cave, a travel blogger from The Portugalist, explains to us, “travel rarely goes according to plan, and a big part of the art of travel is learning to keep a level head when those plans fall apart, work out what your options are, and decide what the best course of action is.” One of the major leadership skills a person can learn is adapting to unexpected outcomes, because they happen seemingly at the worst times! As James said, it is up to you to decide how to react to the situation at hand. Apply…

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What’s Meant to be Yours Will Come to You

I just read the most amazing article on Thought Catalog by Marisa Donnelly.  It's called What's Meant to be Will Come to You. I am a fighter. I fight time. I fight God’s plan. I fight things that don’t make sense to me right away. I fight back against whatever doesn’t sit right. Because I get scared when things don’t fall perfectly into place. I get nervous when I don’t hear God’s voice whispering to me. I get anxious when I can’t take matters into my own hands, have them make sense. But how often do we fight a losing battle? How often do we push back against a world that isn’t quite ready to share with us what we desire it to? How many times have we tried to rush, push, make things go our way? And how many of those times have we failed? What I’ve learned, over and over again, is that what’s supposed to be mine will come, what’s meant to be will fall into place, what’s right will feel right and I won’t have to force it...... read the rest of the article here at Thought Catalog It's an excellent read, and I urge you…

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Claim your copy of Wealth Brain here (Free Book)

My friend Steve just released a really inspirational (and valuable) book, and for a short time he's made it available for free… I highly recommend that you grab this while it's still online. It reveals his incredibly powerful mindset system to breaking free of the rat race, and living your dream life. Follow this link to grab your copy now: Click here This isn't your regular "skim and forget" book... It's a full encounter of Steve's story, and how he turned his life around by making a few simple tweaks to his outlook on work, jobs, and lifestyle. If you're stuck in a loop, worried that you'll never move forward... Or even if you're doing well, but want to scale up FAST by making a few small changes... Then you need to read this book right away. Follow this link to grab your free copy now! Make sure you download it while it's still available. Click here to claim your free copy Enjoy!

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It’s Contagious

Attitudes are contagious. Make yours worth catching. - Unknown I had never really thought about attitudes as being contagious.  Even when I was presented with proof time and again, I never got the hint.  When my children were very young, and I woke up in a bad mood, chances are, they'd be in a bad mood too.  I just figured it was a thing.  I never thought they were taking their cues from me.  But the were. I finally figured it out when I started teaching.  I'm human, I have moods, good ones, bad ones and indifferent ones.  I work very hard to keep my bad moods away from my students, and I'm usually pretty successful.  I've actually become quite good at figuring out what has put me in a mood, and flipping it to be more positive.  A couple of years ago, I had a student in my first period class that was always in a bad mood.  No matter what was going on and what was happening, their mood was horrible, and it started to impact me.  My moods would get worse, and it would color my whole day.  I didn't realize it at the time, but his…

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A Little Extra

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. - Unknown I filled you in a couple of weeks ago about what was going on in my life.  In the past 3 months, I have had a chest x-ray, two ultrasounds, 2 cat scans, a biopsy, a pet scan and so much blood work that I'm surprised I have any blood left.  During all this time, when I should have been extraordinary, I have been so ordinary that it isn't even funny.  There are so many things I could be doing to improve my health, but I haven't been doing them. What I have been doing is wallowing, and that 's not good. I think a lot of us give our all to whatever it is we're doing, be it working or playing, but we have to go beyond the ordinary to the extraordinary, and that means giving more than what we normally give.  I have not been doing that, but I'm going to.  The thing is, you're not going to change anything unless you give that little extra.  You do have to change things, but you don't have to change everything.  Start small.  Start with one change. That's…

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What’s Been Going On

This was originally posted on my personal blog Well Color Me V=Back in December, I got sick. I thought it was just a sinus infection. The doctor gave me meds and it went away. All was well in my world, or so I thought. Less than a month later, the sinus infection along with a horrible cough was back. The doctors were reluctant to give me another antibiotic, which I get, because they don't want to over prescribe. They gave me cough medicine with codeine, and Benzonatate, neither of which did jack for my cough. I was miserable, people I work with were sick of listening to me cough all day long, and my family was over hearing me cough all night long. Back to the doctor I went and they decided that another antibiotic was indeed in order. Again, it worked and all was well in my world. Until the cough came back with a vengeance. Nothing was touching this cough. I ate cough drop after cough drop, I tried using a neti pot, over the counter cough remedies and home remedies. And still my cough remained, so back to the doctor I went. They decided that the best…

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Holistic approach for the wellness of a body, mind, and soul

Holistic approach for the wellness of a body, mind, and soul by Lena Hemsworth - Lifestyle Blogger The holistic approach to life has many definitions, but all of them have one thing in common. You’re focusing on improving all aspects of your life and looking at the big picture. Instead of treating the symptoms, you’re getting to the root of each problem and transforming your life as you go. If you try the holistic approach, you’re bound to improve your physical and mental health beyond recognition. We are made to move. Unfortunately, the life of an average person in modern society revolves around sitting and laying down. Your body aches to feel the adrenaline rush of exercise, your heart aches to pump blood, and your mind needs exercise to produce happy hormones. If you truly love your body, you will give it an outlet. Any kind of exercise is good exercise. From yoga to jogging to intense workouts, your body will be thankful. It will process stress better, become stronger, and be almost invincible to disease and viruses.   2. Daily meditation In a world that is a storm of chaos and stress, your best weapon can be the calm…

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