Love Yourself First

Love Yourself First Helen Bradford   As Louise L. Hay once said: “Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” However, loving yourself requires effort, not just words. It may seem challenging though, especially considering how hectic our lives can be. Juggling with work, family, and many other obligations can leave us neglecting ourselves. It’s time to change the game and give yourself some much-needed TLC. It doesn't require any groundbreaking transformations. On the contrary, adopting these few self-care habits will give you a healthy body and a healthy mind. 1. Getting started. Self-discipline is the key when it comes to physical activity. Most of us make the decision to start exercising rather easily, but when it comes to putting it to practice, well... it's another story. A good idea is to make a workout schedule. Keep track of your activities (and energy levels) for a week. This will give you insight into what times work best for you. Our energy levels are usually highest in the morning so that would be a good time for more intense workouts. However, if you see it as a way to vent out after a busy day at work then you’ll dedicate time to…

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It’s a Good Thing

Remember that being alone doesn't always mean being lonely; it can be a beautiful experience of finding your creativity, your heartfelt feelings, and the calm and quiet peace deep inside you. - Anonymous There are some people that dread being alone, but I think it's a good thing.  I'm not talking about loneliness, nobody wants to feel like that. I'm talking about being alone, by yourself and becoming aware of who you are.  In this crazy busy day and age, that's a good thing.  Think about it, we are constantly being bombarded by news and information. We can be reached 24/7 via cell phone and email, and most of us check social media several times a day.  We are never alone. There is a big push now about mindfulness.  Very simply put, it's being aware of yourself, your thoughts and your feelings in the present moment.  That's not a bad thing, in fact, it's a good thing.  But you can't be very mindful of yourself if you're constantly surrounded by people and activity.  Sometimes, you just need to be alone to get in touch with who you are and what you're feeling. Take time to get in touch with who…

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It Takes Time

Patience is a form of wisdom. It demonstrates that we understand and accept the fact that sometimes things must unfold in their own time. - Jon Kabat-Zinn I am not a patient person.  I want what I want, and I usually want it right away.  But sometimes, it takes time for things to fall into place.  An acorn that is planted in the ground isn't going to grow into a mighty oak, just because we try and will it.  There is a rhythm to things, and sometimes we just have to let that rhythm play out. It's logical, and on a certain level, it's something that people understand, but understanding, and accepting are two different things.  In today's society, we get immediate gratification.  Post a status on Facebook and get likes right away.  Want to talk to someone, shoot them a text, and chances are they'll answer right away.  We get used to getting it all right now.  But sometimes it takes time, and when it does, it's hard. Cultivate a patient attitude.  Learn to wait.  Learn to sit back and enjoy the down time without a phone in your hand and or a computer giving you instant answers.  Develop…

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Don’t Compare

Never mind what others do; do better than yourself, beat your own record from day to day, and you are a success. - William J. H. Boetcker When you walk into a room full of people, what is the first thing you do? I compare what I'm wearing to everybody else.  I judge my outfit against theirs and usually come up lacking in my own mind.  I compare my hair, and my weight and usually come up with all my points in the negative column.  I constantly tell myself don't compare myself to others and I constantly find myself doing it. Not just clothing, and any other outward appearances, but everything.  I think most of us compare ourselves to others and find ourselves lacking, even thought it's not true.  It's not true because there is no comparison, so don't do it. Don't compare yourself to others.  If yo must compare, compare yourself to you.  Look at where you were, and how far you've come.  Look at the growth you've had, look at how far you've come from where you were. John Donne said that comparisons are odious, and it's true.  You shouldn't compare yourselves against anybody else because you are…

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Put the Past Away

My Mama always said you've got to put the past behind you before you can move on. - Forrest Gump The movie Forrest Gump is filled with things that Forrest's mama told him, and while everybody knows that 'Life is like a box of chocolate," I think this quote is the best piece of advice Mrs. Gump gave us.  You have to put the past away.  You have to just let go before you can move on to bigger and better. There are countless quotes about leaving the past where it belongs, and in fact, the title comes from the Third Eye Blind song, Jumper.  If so many people are saying to put the past away, I'm guessing it has to be super good advice.  Think about it, the past is like an anchor, holding on to you and dragging you down, when where you want to go is forward.  You need to let go of that anchor and start moving toward your future. Figure out what is holding you back, or who is holding you back, and why. Or maybe it's you.  Maybe you're the one that's holding on to the past, but it's time to let go.  You…

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Fear is a Bully

Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart. ? Roy T. Bennett I never really thought much about it until I read this quote, but it's true, fear is a bully. When fear gets inside of you, it halts you in your tracks, it pushes you around and it causes you to give up on what is important to you. Not only is fear a bully, it is insidious.  It creeps inside your mind, filling you with doubt. It tries to convince you that it's on your side or it's acting in your best interest, but it's not.  Fear wants you to give up on your dreams.  Fear leads you away from achieving your dreams and goals and lulls you into complacency. Fear is a bully, and we are taught from an early age to stand up to bullies.  So stand up to your fear. Drown it out, stomp on it, do whatever it is you have to do to not only keep it at bay, but to destroy it.  Be led by your dreams. It's scary, it is, but you can do it. Your dreams are worth going for,…

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Choose Wisely

Who you spend your time with will have a great impact on what kind of life you live. Spend time with the right people. – Joel Osteen Every time I hear the phrase choose wisely, I think of a specific scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.  Indy is with a 2000 year old Templar Knight who tells him to choose wisely.  Fortunately, Indy choose wisely, but do you?  It's important to choose wisely because the choices we make, and that includes the people we surround ourselves with, says something about us as people. It's something your parents probably told you when you were a kid, "People will judge you based on the company you keep."  Don't you just hate it when they are right?  Since we all know mom and dad are right and it's true, we all need to choose wisely. Surround yourself with people who can have a positive impact on your life.  Stay away from those who bring you down. You know the ones that I mean.  There are some people who are full of negativity.  When you're around them, they just suck the light right out of you. There are also people who are…

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Just Imagine

Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless. —Jamie Paolinetti Just imagine living the life of your dreams! What is stopping you?  It's all the doubts that you let fill your mind.  The get louder and louder and grow bigger and bigger until they are all you can hear and all you can see. You can block out that doubt and cancel out all the negativity that fills your mind. Just imagine.  Yes, that's right with your imagination.  The doubts we let fill our minds are just that, doubts in our mind.  They aren't reality.  But you let them become real.  You create that reality with the power of your mind. So why not create the life you want. Just imagine your perfect life. Your goals coming to fruition, your dreams coming to life.  Just imagine.  Let those good images grow and grow and let them drown out the doubts and fears.  Your best life is limited only by your imagination and what you chose to focus on.

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Take Mental Health Day

6 Reasons Why You Should Take A Mental Health Day by Adam Durnham What Is a Mental Health Day? Although there is a formal Mental Health Day celebrated every October 10 to bring awareness to the spectrum of mental health conditions, you can have your own special day devoted to healing your mental state. Just as sleep refreshes the physical body, our minds need to take a rest, too. A mental health day could simply mean a regular day of rest, freeing yourself from stressors, and refocusing on or seeking your purpose in life. By taking your own mental health day, you can rejuvenate your mind and care for it like you would any other part of your body. Why Should You Take a Mental Health Day? 1. It helps improve your thinking. Anything you think about—responsibilities at work, home, or school—can take a toll on your mind. Like small blocks, they can that pile up in a haphazard fashion and tumble down when not managed. Studies show that people under acute stress tend to make "risk-taking decisions even with disadvantageous outcomes". This is why taking a mental health day can be so important. A mental rest can help improve…

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Write It Down

You control your future, your destiny. What you think about comes about. By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands – your own. – Mark Victor Hansen We all know about affirmations, and that saying them regularly can be very powerful. I want you to take your affirmation, your goal or your dream and write it down.  Write it down every day and really focus on it.  Writing down your affirmation, dreams or goals gives them so much power and so much strength. When you record your dreams, goals and affirmations on paper, your ability to focus on them is so much stronger.  When you write, focus all your energy and attention on each word as you write it down. Remember when you were a kid in school and you got your spelling list each week.  Wasn't one of the exercises your teacher made you do was write each word 3 times? And what happened when you did that?  They were a little easier to spell.  Write it down.  Every goal, every dream, and every affirmation.  Write it down…

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